Polkadot DevCamp Intake #2

Polkadot Network
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2022

Your path to parachain engineering starts here

Following hot on the heels of the hugely successful first Polkadot DevCamp in May, and to meet demand from new prospective applicants, we are delighted to announce that the second edition of Polkadot DevCamp has been slated for this fall and will take place online. All our educational materials have been updated to take account of a rapidly evolving ecosystem and we start with an opening ceremony on November 1st.

What does Polkadot DevCamp Intake #2 offer?

Our curated online education program brings together Polkadot experts to help developers hit the ground running with the Substrate technology stack. Polkadot DevCamp Intake #2 will provide an initial module on Substrate, Polkadot and how to use Rust within Substrate. We then introduce FRAME and Polkadot’s Runtime Development before providing you with a strong understanding of Substrate tooling, smart contracts and interoperability.

What is the timeline for Polkadot DevCamp Intake #2?

Applications Open: September 26th
Applications Close: October 23rd
Opening Ceremony: November 1st
DevCamp duration: November 7th — 30th
Closing Ceremony: December 5th

The opening ceremony brings participants together for the course ahead and people have the opportunity to get to know each other even better at a social event two days later. The course itself kicks off on November 7th and certificates will be awarded at the closing ceremony on December 5th.

>>Apply now<<

Am I a suitable candidate?

To be considered for Polkadot DevCamp Intake #2 you may find it beneficial to have some experience as a developer and understand the basics of Rust. However, you definitely do NOT need to be an expert on parachains or Substrate.

Polkadot DevCamp is really designed for a wide range of participants. Aspiring developers wanting to get started with Polkadot and Substrate can apply, but we also welcome developers and engineers from non-blockchain start-ups (or more established companies) who are interested to learn more about the advantages of blockchain.

Please note that some coding experience is required. This is not a course for complete beginners and familiarity with basic engineering concepts is also important. But you do not need to have a wealth of practical blockchain experience.

What is the learning structure?

The teaching is provided by Andrew Burger and Bernard Schuster and consists of nine separate lessons. Participants will be invited to deliver their final presentations on November 30th.

Module 1 (three lessons): We start with a lesson on How to use Rust to Develop on Substrate, before looking at Polkadot and Parachain development and then there’s a full Introduction to Substrate.

Module 2 (three lessons): The fourth lesson considers Substrate Storage and Configuration before lessons five and six are all about FRAME.

Module 3 (two lessons): Further focus on Substrate, with lesson seven devoted to Substrate Tooling and then lesson eight on Smart Contracts in Substrate.

Module 4: (one lesson): Interoperability (XCM and XCMP)

What does enrollment cost?

Polkadot DevCamp is completely free. The only requirement is that participants finish the course. This represents a new way of training developers in Polkadot and Substrate, with no financial barrier to entry.

How do I apply?

There are 20 open slots for Polkadot DevCamp Intake #2. All applicants will need to pass an entry test to assess their knowledge in the areas of coding and development necessary for the course. Apply below to start the process!


What will the Polkadot DevCamp workload look like?

The workload is not highly intensive, giving you scope to stay on top of your other projects effectively. Each of the nine lessons is just two hours long. A one-hour “project check-in” session is scheduled halfway through the course, and there’s another two days before presentation day.

Polkadot DevCamp Intake #2 culminates with a closing ceremony on December 5th, when we’ll also issue certificates confirming you’ve completed the course!

Why is Polkadot DevCamp important?

The Polkadot ecosystem is powered by a diverse developer community. Although there are hundreds of active developers around the globe, interest in Polkadot engineering continues to grow. At the same time demand for courses on Polkadot and its software development kit, Substrate, is also rising.

This is why Polkadot DevCamps have been created. In association with Tribe, the first blockchain ecosystem builder to be supported by the Singapore government, these coding bootcamps provide developers with a live, synchronous learning environment that creates a guided point of entry to the Polkadot developer ecosystem.


Additional resources

Find out more about the Polkadot and Substrate ecosystems by joining the developer community on the Substrate StackExchange, and the Polkadot community Discord server.

What is Polkadot?

Polkadot is a layer-0 protocol and multichain network founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, the co-founder and former CTO of Ethereum and creator of the Solidity programming language. Polkadot is a sharded metaprotocol that provides security, scalability, and interoperability to a diverse network of layer-1 blockchains called parachains, and will connect them with external networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum via bridges. Polkadot solves many challenges that have hindered the growth of legacy blockchains, from scalability to governance, upgradeability, blockchain customization, energy efficiency, and more.

What is Substrate?

Substrate is a blockchain development framework for building and customizing parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem, as well as standalone or ‘solo’ chains. It features a completely generic state transition function and modular building blocks for common blockchain components like consensus, networking, and configuration. By building with Substrate, development teams can significantly speed up production and reduce the cost of building a blockchain, and get much more power and flexibility than building on a smart contract platform.

What is Tribe?

Tribe is a global blockchain ecosystem builder that connects startups and tech talents with leading opportunities. By working closely with organizations including blockchain protocols, corporates, governments, startups and developer communities, it strives to power the next wave of talent and companies’ leap from Web2 to Web3.

