Polkadot Relayers Incubator 2023

Polkadot Network
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2023

The Polkadot Global Series: Relayers Incubator 2023 is an exclusive, community-first, early-stage incubator program meticulously crafted to nurture exceptionally talented innovators who are dedicated to developing dapps on Polkadot’s parachains. This transformative program runs from September 5th to October 26th, focusing on nurturing visionary ideas with immense potential.

A highly selective process has identified 14 promising teams, each chosen by partner parachains, to receive tailored mentorship and extensive resources. This support aims to guide them towards invaluable opportunities and enhanced business scalability within the Web3 ecosystem. The program’s pinnacle moment will be the Showcase Day on October 26th, providing participants with the platform to present their groundbreaking solutions to potential supporters.

Empowering Start-ups:

The fortunate startups admitted to the Relayers Incubator will experience a transformative journey, gaining access to an array of enhanced features, tools, and resources. This comprehensive support will substantially improve the functionality, performance, and security of their MVP. Additionally, the startups will benefit from personalized mentorship provided by the partner parachains, immerse themselves in collaborative learning environments, and have the unique opportunity to connect with a dynamic network of developers, experts, enthusiasts, and supporters in the Polkadot ecosystem.

Selected Teams and Their Respective Mentors

  1. Cross-Consensus Messaging (XCM):

Parachain team OAK Network

OAK Network’s automation features, including remote execution and dynamic dispatching, hold the potential to enable cross-chain functionality on Polkadot and Kusama. The two teams supported by this parachain are:

  • Blockcoders: Blockcoders is developing Kuma Wallet, a user-friendly wallet designed for the easy management and transfer of digital assets in a secure environment.
  • Cyborg Network: Cyborg Network is building a decentralized marketplace to connect providers and users of cloud computing, creating a unique environment where individuals can contribute to and benefit from shared computing resources.

2. DeFi

Parachain Team Interlay

Interlay presents a revolutionary platform to unlock the full potential of Bitcoin, offering a fully trustless and decentralized bridge alongside an ink! smart contract pallet. The two teams supported by this parachain are:

  • Xcavate: Xcavate is spearheading a unique real estate finance and investment platform that directly connects real estate developers with retail investors, enhancing efficiency in the real estate finance market.
  • Acurast: Acurast is empowering developers to build secure and universally interoperable applications by leveraging a decentralized off-chain execution layer, opening doors to enhanced security and functionality in app development.

Parachain Team HydraDX

HydraDX aims to enhance the user experience (UX) for DeFi users, offering one-click DeFi solutions and exploring use cases for Omnipool liquidity to boost volume on HydraDX. The two teams supported by this parachain are:

  • PlutoWallet: PlutoWallet is creating a multi-platform mobile wallet that aims to deliver optimal user experience for various blockchain networks.
  • Cubo.land: Cubo.land has introduced an investment platform for real estate, allowing people in Latin America to invest and save easily with local payment methods.

3. NFT & Gaming:

Parachain Team Unique Network

Unique Network provides an SDK and pallets that unlock the dynamic landscape of NFT creation. The two teams supported by this parachain are:

  • Forever Has Fallen: Forever Has Fallen is pioneering a platform for story-driven metaverses combining digital and real-world experiences to offer a new form of immersive entertainment.
  • Homesy: Homesy is forging a home discovery network that empowers users by providing data ownership, rewards, and innovative direct sales options, adding a new dimension to real estate interaction.

Parachain Team Zeitgeist

Zeitgeist invites teams to step into the world of prediction markets and leverage Zeitgeist’s SDK to develop exceptional Web3 applications. The two supported by this parachain are:

  • Fractal RED: Set in a vast, monster-inhabited world, Fractal RED is a game offering diverse weapons and a crafting system to aid players in their journey through various landscapes.
  • Feooh: Feooh is building Zexifi, a software development kit focused on predictive market gaming, revolutionising how users interact with market predictions in a gaming environment.

4. Smart Contracts:

Parachain team Astar Network

Astar Network offers a platform for creating production-ready WebAssembly (WASM) or Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) dapps, complete with the necessary infrastructure. The two teams supported by this parachain are:

  • DeStore Network: DeStore Network is enabling brands to integrate into Web3 commerce, offering services that create digital representations of real-world assets, bridging the gap between conventional commerce and blockchain technology.
  • Evolute: Evolute is an indie game studio developing interconnected games where players can use, customize, and evolve the same items and characters across different gaming environments.

Parachain Team Moonbeam

Moonbeam invites teams to build connected contracts and unlock the potential of remote EVM calls via Cross-Consensus Messaging (XCM). The two teams supported by this parachain are:

  • Fanbond: Fanbond is developing a platform that enables YouTube creators to monetize their audience more efficiently, offering innovative solutions for content creators.
  • rotam: rotam is at the forefront of providing transparent and comprehensive information on the legal status of vehicles, creating a transparent and accessible database for users.

If you would like to connect with participants or join for showcase day, please email dotglobal@angelhack.com.

Polkadot is the blockspace ecosystem for boundless innovation. It enables Web3’s biggest innovators to get their ideas to market fast, with flexible costs and token options. By making blockchain technology secure, composable, flexible, efficient, and cost-effective, Polkadot is powering the movement for a better web.

AngelHack is one of the world’s largest and most diverse developer ecosystems. Known as the pioneer of global developer hackathons, AngelHack has a community of more than 300,000 developers across 65 countries. Over the past 10 years, AngelHack has partnered with Amazon Web Services, Dell Technologies, IBM, MasterCard, Web3 Foundation (Polkadot), Protocol Labs (Filecoin/IPFS), Celo Foundation, and even Algorand Foundation to run global hackathons and drive innovation.

