The Graph Bringing Indexing and Querying to Polkadot

The Graph
Polkadot Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

Developers building applications on Polkadot will be able to build open API subgraphs, the most efficient way for developers to index blockchain data.

The Graph is excited to announce an official integration plan with Polkadot, expanding the decentralized indexing to Polkadot’s growing layer-1 parachain ecosystem.

This will support developers in building powerful applications on Polkadot using The Graph, as well as enable developers from all supported ecosystems to explore querying subgraphs. Subgraphs are open APIs to ensure developers can efficiently access data across different blockchains.

The Graph is the indexing and query layer of the decentralized web. Indexing is a way of structuring and categorizing data so it can be easily searched for and queried by users. Developers build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL.

The Graph solves the problem of centralized data indexing by building a decentralized protocol for indexing blockchain data. Users will no longer have to trust teams to operate servers and developers can deploy to reliable public infrastructure they don’t have to manage.

The Graph & Polkadot’s shared Web3 mission

Peter Mauric, Head of Public Affairs at Parity Technologies said, “The Graph and Polkadot communities share the goal of advancing the development of Web 3.0. Integrating the ability for developers to operate easily on different chains is a hugely important part of that mission.”

This will empower Polkadot’s ecosystem of builders to build with a truly decentralized tool and allow them to leverage The Graph’s strong network. Furthermore, it provides a solution to composability issues in blockchain by creating decentralized APIs that serve data from a number of different chains. The Graph aims to grow overall Web3 development and help developers build interoperable applications.

Eva Beylin, Director of The Graph Foundation, added, “With over 8,000 subgraphs already deployed for Ethereum and IPFS, we’re excited to unlock this next phase of ecosystem growth with multi-blockchain support, enabling a truly open data economy.”

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About The Graph

The Graph is the indexing and query layer of the decentralized web. Developers build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL. The Graph currently supports indexing data from Ethereum, IPFS, and PoA with more networks coming soon. To date, over 8,000 subgraphs have been deployed by over 10,000 active developers for applications, such as Uniswap, Synthetix, Aragon, Gnosis, Balancer, Livepeer, DAOstack, AAVE, Decentraland, and many others.

If you are a developer building an application or Web3 application, you can use subgraphs for indexing and querying data from blockchains. The Graph allows applications to efficiently and performantly present data in a UI and allows other developers to use your subgraph too! You can deploy a subgraph or query existing subgraphs that are in the Graph Explorer. The Graph would love to welcome you to be Indexers, Curators and/or Delegates on The Graph’s mainnet.

Join The Graph community by introducing yourself in The Graph Discord for technical discussions, join The Graph’s Telegram chat, or follow The Graph on Twitter! The Graph’s developers and members of the community are always eager to chat with you, and The Graph ecosystem has a growing community of developers who support each other.



The Graph
Polkadot Network

The Graph is a query protocol for Ethereum and IPFS using GraphQL.