Short about: DOCK NETWORK

Polkadot News
Polkadot News
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2020

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What is Dock: Dock is an open source network providing infrastructure and tools for issuing verifiable credentials using blockchain technology. With Dock an individual or entity can create their own decentralized identity (DID) and manage it, and with blockchain technology Dock verifies it`s authenticity.

Dock is built on Substrate and uses the consensus mechanism offered by Substrate which is a hybrid as it separates block production and finality and achieves them through different methods.

What problem solves: Dock was founded with a mission to solve inefficiencies in existing data solutions: untrusted and inaccurate information, data silos and gatekeepers, incompatibilities, and lack of control and privacy for users.


W3C is an international community developing open standards across the web. This specification provides a format for expressing credentials that are secure, privacy respecting and cryptographically authenticated. W3C standard credentials can be issued via Dock and the verifier is open source, free to use and publicly available.

  • Verifiable provides a platform for issuing, monitoring, and verifying workforce credentials for healthcare industry. The recipients of these medical licenses can easily share digital credentials for instant verification by any hospital, clinic or medical department where they would like to work.

Verifiable has officially launched out of Y Combinator (that produced some of the largest and most impactful startups in the world: AirBnb, Stripe, Dropbox, Instacart, Cruise, Coinbase, etc).

  • Certify — enables educational institutes to issue verifiable credentials on the Dock Network that represent students’ accomplishments in a format that is easily shareable and verifiable throughout their careers (under development)

Evolution stage: testnet. Mainnet is planned to be launched on 30th of September 2020.

Testnet Northhill for builders and Danforth testnet for validators.

Testnet and mainnet consists of 2 stages: PoA and PoS. PoA stage in mainnet starts at the same time when PoS stage starts in testnet. Within testnet no-value test tokens are used.

Token: $DOCK.

Total supply: 1billion ERC-20 tokens via the Ethereum smart contract.

In Q4 2020, Dock will commence a token swap when the existing Dock ERC20 token will be migrated in a 1:1 swap to the Dock blockchain. All token holders will be required to participate in the token swap as the ERC20 tokens will eventually be deprecated.

Circulating supply: 600m,

Emission rewards: 200 m.

The remaining 200M owned by Dock Association (Swiss non-profit) will fund the ongoing development, governance, management, and marketing of the network.

How to earn: to buy on a market or to participate in testnet as a validator.

The best performing validators from the testnet will then be selected and graduate to the Dock mainnet (named Vulkan, app. in September 2020). To know more about validator activities and rewards:

Disclaimer: some information like testnet/mainnet stage, bounties, and other actions is valid at the moment of creating this article (September 2020) and can be invalid later.



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