PolkaFoundry to Integrate Bluzelle NFT Storage and Oracle Solution for dApps

Red Kite
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2021

PolkaFoundry is committed to bringing reliable, high-quality, and real-time database service to decentralized applications (dApps) built on us as a production hub. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that PolkaFoundry is now working with Bluzelle, a storage network for Web 3.0. In this partnership, the partners will leverage interoperability to complete the commitments below:

  • Bluzelle offers NFT storage and Oracle solution for PolkaFoundry and explores the interoperation with dApps in the PolkaFoundry ecosystem.
  • PolkaFoundry plans to integrate Bluzelle technology into its platform and introduce Bluzelle services to PolkaFoundry’s network of partners.

Developers of (dApps) face scaling problems while using centralized infrastructure and traditional cloud-based databases. In line with that, Bluzelle aims to allow users to create on-demand, scalable databases for blockchain applications without relying on any centralized data center. Bluzelle Oracle’s on-demand historical price index can fetch high-quality price data and run statistical analysis while keeping and referencing the previous pricing. Bluzelle even stores NFT files over its decentralized network, ensuring that it remains secure, always available, and cannot be tampered with.

Bluzelle’s structure matches PolkaFoundry demand for a single dApp database solution. In return, the partnership with PolkaFoundry will allow Bluzelle to interoperate with a wide variety of blockchains applications in the PolkaFoundry network. Our collaboration will lead to a permanent improvement in competitiveness and agility in both partners’ businesses.

About Bluzelle

Bluzelle aims to be the go-to data layer for Web 3.0 by providing a decentralized data network that is tamper-proof and has greater privacy, scalability, and availability than traditional solutions. Powered by Cosmos, Bluzelle handles 10,000 TPS and is a delegated proof of stake. Bluzelle’s DeFi solutions are being developed to enhance Defi with historical price feeds, provide data analytics, 360-degree views, and more. As DeFi grows, Bluzelle’s infrastructure services play a significant role.

Learn more about Bluzelle?

Website | Telegram | Twitter | Discord

About PolkaFoundry

PolkaFoundry is a platform for building borderless and frictionless DeFi & NFT dapps on Polkadot. It aims to be the one-stop production hub for DeFi & NFT dapps with all the necessary features, services, integrations, and tools for DeFi experiments, innovations, and real-world solutions. Taking advantage of Polkadot’s interoperability and scalability and integrating many DeFi-friendly services into the platform, PolkaFoundry also provides UX-enabling features that make dapps as easy to use as everyday applications and bring dapps to the masses.

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Red Kite

The One-stop Production Hub for DeFi & NFT Applications on Polkadot