Red Kite V2 Reveal — Featuring Redesigned User Interface and Improved User Experience

Red Kite
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2021

On July 5, 2021, the latest Red Kite launchpad update was officially released following a period of research and development based on community feedback. Let’s look at the tweaks we have made to the Red Kite in this new version.

1. Improve UI/UX

⚠️ On December 16, Red Kite has updated UI. Let’s experience HERE:

It is now easier for users to keep track of all necessary information thanks to the UI redesign of Red Kite’s Dashboard, My Account, Stake, and Pool details pages. Furthermore, the Red Kite development team has added additional guidelines to help new users become more familiar with the launchpad.

My Account page on Red Kite
Bunicorn’s details page on Red Kite

2. Simplify the account registration and KYC process

Users will no longer be required to verify their email address or spend time determining whether the email and wallet address used on Red Kite and verified on Blockpass are identical. Instead, the Red Kite system will link and reflect the user’s KYC email on Blockpass.

3. Enable smart network switch mode

Since this version, Red Kite will automatically switch to the corresponding network whenever a user changes the network in his wallet, rather than requiring the user to switch on Red Kite manually.

However, it should be noted that only the Ethereum Network currently supports staking and unstaking tokens on Red Kite. So, if you’re using BSC Wallet, you’ll need to import it to Ethereum wallet by following the guideline HERE.

4. Optimize the Whitelist registration process

The registration process for whitelists becomes more convenient. Rather than relying on the old Google Form, Red Kite now includes a built-in whitelist form. As a result, users can easily monitor their whitelist participation status (Success, Failed, or Pending) in real-time. Additionally, a checklist of required tasks to be a whitelisters has been added to assist users in keeping track of them.

See detailed instructions HERE.

5. Provide additional token purchasing opportunities for whitelisters

One of the features that many users love about Red Kite is guaranteed allocation, which helps avoid gas wars. Red Kite V2 has also included a free token purchase mode to provide users with more buying opportunities.

Additionally to the guaranteed token purchase period, if there are any remaining tokens, all successful whitelisted individuals will have the right to continue purchasing these tokens regardless of whether they win the lottery or not. Tokens in excess will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Follow the announcements on PolkaFoundry official channels to get the latest information related to IDO projects on the Red Kite launchpad.

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About Red Kite

Red Kite is a cutting-edge launchpad powered by PolkaFoundry as a part of the growing $PKF ecosystem. Red Kite projects are carefully chosen through vetting, which takes everything from the origins of the project teams to legitimacy and implementation capacities into account. These projects are also supported by a network of our high-class marketing partners, leading influencers, and interactive communities.

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