Wen Moon? From a Historical Milestone to Crypto Culture

Celebrate International Moon Day with some fun facts about the Moon in crypto and beyond

Team Pollen


Wednesday, July 20, marks 53 years since the human race first set foot on the Moon with the Apollo 11 space mission, and is observed by the UN as International Moon Day. In celebration of this incredible milestone, we’ll take a look at the historical events that led to this achievement, as well as the Moon’s place in crypto culture.

To celebrate International Moon Day, we’re also running a giveaway on Twitter. Check it out!

The Moon landing, controversy, and conspiracy theories

Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC, and Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon’s surface. Or at least that’s what NASA says.

The Moon landing has been, and remains, one of the most debated topics among conspiracy theorists. Most notably, groups like the Flat Earth Society have vocally disregarded the landing as staged. Some even went as far as suggesting the video material shown globally, was in fact part of a Hollywood production.

Unfortunately, such groups have managed to attract a lot of supporters, and to date, the question “Did we really land on the Moon?” spreads like wildfire across social media feeds.

“Wen Moon”?

Despite the strong opposition from conspiracy theorists, the global scientific consensus agrees that the Moon landing is real. The Apollo 11 space mission successfully launched into space, and reached the Moon’s surface, which was an unimaginable achievement back in the 1960s.

Considering the magnitude of this event, the Moon landing has infiltrated crypto culture as an important signifier of success. Hence the “Wen Moon?” question you often see in social media posts and hashtags.

According to Urban Dictionary, if a cryptocurrency is about to “moon,” its price is expected to skyrocket. Much like Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin shot into space to reach the Moon’s surface.

Source: Urban Dictionary

The term “Wen Moon” first started gaining popularity towards the end of 2017, when Bitcoin saw its first big price hike, reaching an all-time high of around $32,000 at the time. Since then, the term has become the go-to colloquialism in the space, as enthusiasts rally for their favorite tokens to reach the stars, and fill their bags with money.

This was later amplified by the DOGE community, who created the famous meme with their Doge skyrocketing to the moon. The DOGE meme is now the most widely used depiction of the “Wen Moon” phenomenon.

Source: Tenor

Did you know?

There is a beautiful plant called Ephedra which only releases its Pollen during a full moon. Scientists discovered this by accident when they saw a field of Ephedra plants pollinate during a summer’s full moon, attracting swarms of nocturnal animals to spread the pollen.

Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica

Crypto culture and the Moon

While some crypto enthusiasts are all in on the whole Moon metaphor, others believe that it is a childish exaggeration. This Reddit user compares it to the times kids ask “Are we there yet?”

Source: Reddit

Still, the Moon has managed to carve itself a special place in the hearts of crypto fans. It has also become one of the most utilized symbols in memes across the space, while “Wen moon?” is among the most asked questions in crypto.

Source: 9gag
Source: Hackernoon

We, at Team Pollen, are excited to be part of the crypto ecosystem as we gear up to reach the Moon and leave the bear market behind.

Want to help us get there? Then join in and start pollenating.

In the meantime, happy International Moon Day!

About Pollen

Pollen is a first of its kind decentralized asset index where the community holds all the power. Decentralized finance is designed to be by the people, for the people, and Pollen is acknowledging this by building the first, truly decentralized platform for managing tokenized asset pools. The merit-based DAO provides a reputation-based governance protocol with incentives that leverage the community’s collective wisdom to curate asset pools. In this system, all users of the platform stand to benefit from the contribution of the best-performing participants.

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