Have we already burnt your eyes?

We are releasing Reachy 3D models for creative people

Matthieu Lapeyre
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2020


Today, we are really happy to share 3D models dedicated to the creative community.

Reachy is an expressive open source humanoid robot made by Pollen Robotics. If you are curious about the real robot, check out this video:

Reachy’s introduction

Models are open source, you can do whatever you want with them and you just have to go there to get blender 3D models.
- Some renders are available here for doing ShittyPhotoshop.

About the release

We, humans of Pollen Robotics, love to collaborate with creative people. It started back in 2011 when two of us worked with David Lynch for an art exhibition (you know, no biggie) and we kind of never stopped that type of collaboration.

In addition, we really like giving people fun toys to play with and see what happens! So here is a full 3D model of Reachy distributed under Creative Commons license, so you can do whatever you want with it.

Canvas with one character waiting for your mad ideas!

You can create visuals, tell stories, use Reachy as a good guy or bad guy, include it in your video games or movies, use it for a school project, create animations,… you name it.

Or you can simply do some ShittyPhotoshop works to have fun during the lockdown.

If you want to have fun too, you can download Reachy ready-to-use image here.

What you get

Reachy 3D models have been imported and prepared in blender to look as close as possible to the real robot.

You can play with Reachy in blender

Move each joint simply by setting a rotation around the Z axis to get the posture you want. Then press F12 to get a pretty render ;)

Manipulate Reachy in blender

You may have noticed Reachy’s head is floating in the air as if we managed to build some sort of antigravity black magic technology (oh, the dream). Sadly, this is not how the real robot works…

The real Reachy has a complex neck joint called Orbita. It’s a parallel mechanism and because we’re no blender experts, we don’t know yet how to animate it in the software :/

> You’re a blender expert? Your help is very welcome.

Shut up and give me those damn files!

Access them right away on our Github page: https://github.com/pollen-robotics/reachy-blender

If you need help or want to help, join the discussion on our forum: https://forum.pollen-robotics.com/t/blender-models-for-creative-people/73

About Pollen Robotics

We build accessible and open-source technology for the real world.

For new technology to have a positive impact, transparency and cooperation matter. Back in 2013, we started with Poppy, the first 3D printed open-source humanoid robot and since then, we have been dedicated to creating open-source, open science and open data products. We work with scientists, artists and innovators to explore usages and make the robotics revolution an opportunity for everyone.

Website: https://www.pollen-robotics.com/
Github: https://github.com/pollen-robotics/
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/pollenrobotics




Published in pollen-robotics

For new technology to have a positive impact, transparency and cooperation matter. We work with scientists, artists and innovators to explore usages and make the robotic revolution an opportunity for everyone.

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