
It’s Not Donald Trump’s Fault

Kathryn Dickel
Pollinate Magazine
3 min readJan 7, 2021


It took an entire country and decades of abdication to make this mess.

Today, I’ve read many politicians, pundits and regular humans saying this insurrection is the responsibility of Donald Trump. I call a very loud ‘BULLSHIT!’

It is the responsibility of every American citizen that has supported Mr. Trump’s rise to power.

All of those who have supported gerrymandering districts across the country since the 1990’s so Republicans could hold onto power and make the voter’s check to power weaker.

All of those who have voted down ballot Republican over the last decade empowering state legislatures across the country to errode voting rights at every opportunity.

Those who stood by after 26 children were massacred and supported a strengthening of access to guns, and the spaces crazy fucks could carry them.

Those who have turned back toward their privilege so they could claim plausible deniability in the face of brutal or subtle oppression happening right in front of their faces. Those who dismissed hate speech and verbal abuse from a sitting president by saying that’s just the way he talks like we’re all in some massive country club locker room. Those who don’t take…

