Strega, Daughter of the Moon, Daughter of Diana: Initiation in a Grove

Theresa C. Dintino
Pollinate Magazine
Published in
10 min readApr 9, 2021


1873 Torre dei Passeri, Italia

Giuliana told her once she cultivated her relationship with Diana, the trees would speak to her, whisper to her what she must gather for her portable lare shrine. This portable shrine went with a Strega to a birth or a serious situation; otherwise it would stay in her home where she attended to it every morning. This shrine protected the Strega in her work.

There were many oak groves that peppered the area. Giant, ancient trees with wide, spreading canopies of branches, their deep black bodies covered with moss and lichen. Some branches were so large and spreading it was a wonder they remained aloft. Some trunks appeared to be three or four trees melded together as one. In the winter, their bark glistened with the dripping moisture that collected in the crevices. In the summer they offered the kindest shade.

Eva chose one grove to visit daily, listening, getting to know the trees. Eventually they instructed her as Giuliana said they would. “Red coral, dry fennel, always sun, moon, blood, a figure of Diana, acorns, woodpecker feathers, knots of braided yarn, ruta and wolf hair, wolf tooth,” they whispered. Eva listened carefully, then gathered these items for her lare shrine.

