All in Good Time in the Garden

Kathryn Dickel
Pollinate Magazine
3 min readAug 1, 2021


Sunday Sermon, 8.1.21

Blessed Sunday, my friends. I hope our connection finds you curious. If it doesn’t let me suggest that you become so, especially with the unknowns in your life. Otherwise, you may forgo some truly joyful moments.

Let me introduce you to Indigo Ruby. She is one of the three varieties of cherry tomatoes I’m growing in the garden this year.

She started out green like everyone else and then turned a deep purple. This of course thrilled me, making me want to jump right into her. Discovery is so intoxicating. When I went to pick her, she was very firm in this phase and stayed that way for what seemed like forever, especially considering the other varieties were mouth-ready. All I could do was wait, observe and see what was going to happen. Every couple of days I squeezed her to check and see if she was ready. Rejection every time. I admit patience can be a challenge for me and Indigo was clearly up for challenging me.

Gradually her butt turned a beautiful red and she softened up, growing a bit larger with her transformation. Larger, in fact, than any of the other varieties. Her nature now started to make sense and my love for her grew with her size. She whispered, ‘now you can take me!’

