
Bittersweet Life Lessons on Being the Bigger Person in Your Relationships

Because relationships aren’t always perfect

Joe Duncan
Pollinate Magazine
Published in
6 min readApr 24, 2021


Photo by Bess Hamiti from Pexels

Recently, a friend of mine came to me to tell me something perturbing. She informed me that a guy friend of mine, someone I’d known for years, came to her and said some unflattering things about me. It felt like high school all over again. I’ll admit, I was a little surprised, though I shouldn’t have been.

We both know who he is inside. He’s the kind of guy that loves a good time, living the party life still in his mid-30s, single, childless, and loves women. It was plain as day to anyone with eyes that he was trying to get into her pants.

It’s that typical move that women all over the planet know all too well. They’ve seen it a million times. The guy barges in, literally into their personal space or metaphorically into their lives, and starts talking mad smack about everyone they mutually know. He tries to tease her and talk a little bit of smack about her as well under the guise of joking.

The goal is to play on her vulnerabilities and make her feel guilty, bad, and most of all deeply insecure. If only he could stoke the flames of her timorous vacillations, making her question her own self-worth and validity, he can woo her…



Joe Duncan
Pollinate Magazine

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: