Freedom Is Not A Choice

Pollinate Sunday Sermon, 2.27.22

Kathryn Dickel
Pollinate Magazine
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2022


Blessed Sunday my friends. This correspondence finds all of us confronting the very real assault on freedom as manifest by Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. I hope that you are inspired to fighting for freedom wherever you are today.

There is no question in my mind that we collectively take freedom for granted. It is because we fundamentally don’t understand what it is and why it exists. Most of us consider freedom the ability to act as we choose, and as a verb, yes this is freedom. However, as a noun, freedom is so much more.

Essentially, freedom as a thing, is the manifestation of balance in a communal, collective system. It is how we know we are living in right relationship with each other, both on a micro and macro level.

The invasion of Ukraine is showing us how the upheaval of this balance threatens the freedom of large swaths of humans. This assault on balance will have various tangible repercussions for so many humans around the world and thus it cannot be ignored. The neglect of balance in our lifeways is having large-scale, tragic effects on our environment as well, eroding our ability and thus ‘freedom’ if you will, to sustain both human and non-human life. Showing us all once again…

