How I’m Detoxing from the Cult of Productivity

There’s only one cure for this: rest

Y.L. Wolfe
Pollinate Magazine
Published in
9 min readJan 25, 2022


Photo by Haymar Santibañez on Scopio

For four years, I never went anywhere without my purple clipboard folder. It contained page after page of to-do lists and weekly calendar grids to keep me on track.

I couldn’t function without it. I was working as a director of not one, but two statewide youth programs at a nonprofit. I had 25 remote staff members who supervised the nearly 200 kids in the programs. But those staff members didn’t work on the administrative tasks with me — I was on my own because we couldn’t afford to hire an assistant to help me. (Or rather, it was decided that we couldn’t afford that.)

I worked 50–60 hours a week and sometimes longer with very few instances of approved overtime and a gross salary of $37,000.

On the weekends, I sat at my cubicle desk, frantically flipping through my purple clipboard folder, highlighting items that had a rapidly approaching deadline, and adding yet more tasks to my lists.

I often felt invincibly productive thanks to my calendar system, but sometimes, I stumbled. I remember many meetings with my boss, in which I pathetically clutched that purple clipboard folder to my chest, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes, admitting that I just couldn’t keep up…



Y.L. Wolfe
Pollinate Magazine

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