Love is Sometimes About Letting Go

Love is that which binds us all.

Anthony O'Dugan
Pollinate Magazine
Published in
6 min readFeb 7, 2021


Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash

Once there was this man. This man had very little, but what he did have was this woman. Like this man, this woman too had very little, but she had this man. Now, this man and this woman were ordinary — nothing about either was special. But what was extraordinary was the love these two had for each other. This love, that which bound them, was quite special — very unique indeed. For this man loved this woman with every ounce of everything he had, and she too loved him in the very same way. What was different, to anyone who was perceptive enough to notice, was the way in which each loved the other. By this I mean the roles that each person played in this special relationship that they had. The man, being one completely driven and defined by love, played the role of the passionate, protective, and giving one. The woman, dynamically ever changing and soon indifferent to love, first played the role of the reciprocator — or the taker, if you will, but more importantly, played the role of the mother to the man. Perhaps this dynamic may seem odd or unorthodox to you; however, it is all too common and is surely the demise of many otherwise wonderful relationships. Unfortunately, this particular relationship, being comprised of such diverse and delicate roles, was seemingly doomed for failure…

