
Romancing Creativity

Learning how to dance with this elusive Goddess

Theresa C. Dintino
Pollinate Magazine
Published in
6 min readJul 25, 2022


Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

1. The ability to get real quiet and wait: essential for creativity

The Goddess of creativity will not be bullied into obedience or compliance. She will not be rushed or pushed and pulled out of her place deep in the underworld of the ocean in her womb cave of gestation. She will arise when she is ready and it is often while you are doing something else and have quite forgotten about wanting her or waiting for her, hoping she will show herself.

Cleaning up, doing the dishes, waking from sleep, interrupting a phone call or another conversation you are having. There she is before you. You must seize her and engage with her. For if you do not, she will disappear in an ephemeral cloud of smoke or fog or pixie dust which you attempt to grab with your hands to no avail, only hearing the poof of her exit.

“Oh, I lost it. She is gone,” you lament.

Can you get it back? Yes, with some work, maybe. But not as fully formed as it was the first time. Therefore, you must seize it.

Remain in a state of ever-readiness.

Carry a notebook, paper and pen or electronic, so that you may quickly write it, speak it…

