Spreading the Seeds — February 2022

Here’s What’s Happening at Pollinate Magazine

Anthony O'Dugan
Pollinate Magazine


Dear Writers, Readers, and Pollinators,

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, wherever and whenever you are. We’d like to take a moment to let you know about what we’re up to over here at Pollinate. First up: our monthly series.


Each month we host a series of stories focusing on a central, topical theme. We present this theme to our writers and challenge them to consider this topic as it applies to their lives. The theme for February is Food. We are looking forward to presenting our series, February 21st —February 25th. Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 18th. Tune in here and follow us on our other Social Media channels for the latest and most up-to-date happenings. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and tune in to a special Spoken Word Written Word segment.

Food is a central part of all our lives. We need it in order to live. How do you incorporate rituals around food, whether in preparation, cooking, or eating? Think of the last meal you ate or the next meal you plan on having. Are either of those meals made with food that you love? What is your favorite food? No matter what angle you decide to take, this topic is sure to make us all hungry. Get your pens working and see what you can come up with.

Our Month in Review

Our January series focused on Rest. Our writers explored and offered stories about how and why they rest, as well as the critical essence of rest. Every story presented a similar message about rest and encouraged us all to find it for ourselves. Hopefully, we are all well rested now and ready to take on the year ahead. If you missed this series, you can catch up on it here.


Our upcoming March series will focus on Men from the point of view of Masculine energy. Writers, be sure to check the communications on the Facebook Writer’s group for prompts and further information about this series, including the submission deadline of Friday, March 18th. Feel free to get involved with your own story and perspective.

Looking forward

Outside of our Monthly Special Series, open submission articles we accept and publish will be focused on one of the following topics: Spirituality, Relationships, Sexuality, Culture, or Nature. Please be sure to tag the appropriate category that your articles align with. For each of our upcoming series, please note the categories; deadlines will be posted with each newsletter.

A Month of Poetry

It’s not too late to start looking toward April when we will be hosting a Month of Poetry in honor of National Poetry Month. For this Special Series, we are publishing one poem per day so we are accepting all poems (not currently part of another publication but accepted if previously published) at this time. We are planning on having a contest, of sorts, and the winner will receive a special one-on-one two-hour poetry writing Master Craft Class with Pollinate’s Managing Editor, and poet, Anthony O'Dugan. Please tag your submitted poetry with #pollinatepoetry. The winner will be contacted through Medium and arrangements will be made in early May to coordinate the contest prize.

Pollinate Scribes

Every month we will be hosting an evening of practicing our craft as writers. If you are already a member of the Pollinate Scribes on Facebook (formerly known as Pollinate Magazine Writer’s Group) then you are already part of the Tribe. Our events will be posted in this private Facebook group, so if you are interested in participating in any of these events, be sure to check your notifications there for the event invite. Each monthly session will be limited to the first four participants to sign up. This month’s meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 16th, at 7 p.m. CST and will go until 9 p.m. CST.

Please sign up through the Facebook group. If you are not a member yet and would like to be, please email us at hello@pollinateritual.com, Subject line: Pollinate Scribes. We look forward to working with you! Event host: Anthony O'Dugan.

Pollinate Magazine Special Series: The Year Ahead

JANUARY 2022 — Rest
FEBRUARY 2022 — Food
MARCH 2022 — Masculine
APRIL 2022 — Poetry (All month — every day)
MAY 2022 Feminine
JUNE 2022 — Ritual
JULY 2022 — Creativity
AUGUST 2022 — Sex | Erotica
SEPTEMBER 2022 — Nature
OCTOBER 2022 — Forgiveness
NOVEMBER 2022 — Death
DECEMBER 2022 — Prosperity

More About Pollinate Ritual

Pollinate Ritual helps humans, and the communities they create, become and stay, soul-centered. There are an infinite amount of ways to lead a soul-centered life and we are exploring many of them at Pollinate Ritual with the common thread of ritualizing those things so that they become ubiquitous in our world. We host many events in localized communities throughout the year, ranging from hikes and forest foraging adventures to one-of-a-kind retreats, such as the upcoming Pollinate Women’s Weekend. Whatever we do we try to bring forth the true nature of community.

Pollinate Magazine is one of our homes for community where souls gather to speak their voices and where seeds of love, hope, compassion, and vision are shared. We have established a beautiful gathering of writers here at Pollinate Magazine and we are grateful to be able to host and share their thoughts and souls with you. Ritual is core to what we do as writers, as we sit, think, write, and offer our voice to the masses. At Pollinate Magazine, we bring the power of ritual as word to the power of soul-centered living through each of our monthly series as well as through regular contributions from our dedicated writing staff.

From everyone at Pollinate Magazine, with great gratitude to Pollinate Ritual, we wish to thank you for reading, thank you for writing, thank you for being part of this beauty we share. Thank you for allowing our souls to speak through the chorus of our many voices.

With Peace,

Kathryn & Anthony,
Pollinate Editorial Staff

© Pollinate Magazine 2022


Pollinate Ritual

