The Grooming of Judas

How do we get to the point where we screw everyone in our lives without conscience?

Christina Sophia
Pollinate Magazine


Photo by Vaishakh pillai on Unsplash

As a student of scripture, as a woman in the seminary, as a deconstructed and reconstructed, and very nuanced Christian, I like to consider the “edges” of theology sometimes. I want our ancient stories and mythologies to matter. I attempt to find meaning in the banal, the mundane, and even, the offensive, to allow it to make my life more fulfilling and beautiful.

Many of the students in my classes are women, middle-aged, like myself. Just last week, about half of them, during class, admitted they don’t really like the Bible. The reason is, that it’s almost impossible to sift through all of the patriarchal BS to find things that don’t subject us, as women, to more oppression. It’s almost impossible to find places where we are truly-and not just with words-lifted up and made equals.

The words are there. They are often couched in benevolent patriarchy and smack like gaslighting. The words feel like the moments when you are told how beautiful, talented, and smart you are, only to be blown off, discarded, and not taken seriously.

Paul does that a lot. He calls women to preach, tells us that all are equals, slave and free men alike, then sits, like any other white man, on his high horse, speaking…



Christina Sophia
Pollinate Magazine

Exploring my relationship with myself, others and the gods of my childhood. Its all up for grabs. Feeling my way forward everyday.