Time: The Ultimate Currency

Pollinate Magazine, Special Series — July 2021: Money

Anthony O'Dugan
Pollinate Magazine
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2021


Photo by team voyas on Unsplash

When we think of currency we think of money, whether physical or digital, whether ‘real’ or virtual. We trade money for other monies, for things, for experiences. We are paid in money. We attribute value to money and to the things money can buy. We attribute value to ourselves in terms of wage and earnings. We gain and lose money. We collect it. We spend it. We give it away. We give to charity. We help those who are hungry…sometimes.

Just as often though, we fly our giant penis extenders into space with it. We put it into the massive machine of commerce and rush to our jobs, crawl to our deaths, and are trampled in lines of other overly-eager and zealous consumers. We buy and sell “health.” We profit off of death and dying. We zip by the lost and broken, those forgotten and unsheltered, in our cars of fancy and flash, tossing our cigarettes out our windows in our careless fucking of our Mother who gives us everything. We dine on meals that some villages will never see because we come from the land of milk and honey, of buying and selling, of our False Mother, Money.

We dig and frack and rig and crack the Earth for black blood, shoving pipes inside her like stents in a heart. We spoil the oceans with poor…

