30 Days of Poetry

…What makes us stronger

A poem by Zachary Hoover

Pollinate Magazine Editorial
Pollinate Magazine


Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash

Seasons turn another year
And age finds us keener in action
Reflecting upon so many things
We can only feel are lost
Or left behind
But then we look upon those we love
And realize just how much we’ve gained
And found from those around us
Relations that have come and gone
Relations that have endured
Relations that leave us hoping and
Believing that things can change
In ourselves or others
Though most often it’s not what we decide But simply do
As we look upon those we love
And realize just how much we’ve learned
And changed by beliefs and actions of those around us
It is this influence we choose to accept
Scattered as we may be
That makes us all a family
Embracing the notion of good and right
Carried simply in the energy that binds us An unquestioning acceptance
And we look upon those we love
And realize…

by Zachary P. Hoover

