Our statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling

Editor of Pollinator
Pollinator: the Bloom Works blog
2 min readJul 1, 2022

Working together to build a future where all people are valued, respected, and empowered

Bloom Works is a women-owned, founded, and operated small business. Every day we face the challenge of being heard and valued in our field and in the business world.

Our hearts are heavy as we process the cascading implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling. This decision is inextricably linked to how our country views reproductive rights and care. We stand with all of the individuals impacted by this reprehensible ruling, and encourage our community to reflect on the impact of this moment as we commit to working together to build a future where all people are valued, respected, and empowered.

Read more to find out about resources, initiatives, and articles compiled by our team as we navigate this disheartening moment in history.

Resources, initiatives, and articles list:

Guttmacher Institute put out a report on the status of abortion policies at the state level in the absence of Roe v Wade.

@CelestePewter (on Instagram) has a great deck of information about state level abortion laws, and scripts so you can get in touch with your Senator.

Avow compiled a toolkit to help talk about abortion

If you have questions about your rights in the US, you can access the Repro Legal Helpline. They also take donations.

Donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds, here you can also direct specific gift amounts to over 90 funds across the US.

Other reproductive rights organizations working at the regional or national level that you can donate to:

