Visualize network graphs with free online tool. No installation needed!

Polo Chau
Polo Club of Data Science | Georgia Tech
2 min readOct 14, 2023

Argo Lite is an interactive graph visualization system that runs in your web browsers. No installation needed.

Free online tool Argo Lite visualizes network graphs in web browser without any software installation.

You can visualize your graph with interactive force-directed layout, automatic sizing and coloring by pagerank, and full control over every node for customization!

Incremental Exploration

Argo Lite empowers you to incrementally explore large graphs. Start by several import nodes (with high PageRank or degree) or by a node that you are interested in, and add their neighbor nodes to expand your visualization!

Argo Lite lets you incrementally visualize and explore large network graphs, so you won’t be overwhelmed with too many nodes and edges shown all at once.

Save and Publish via URLs

You can publish your “graph snapshot” as a URL link. Anyone with the link will be able to access and continue their exploration from this snapshot. You can still save the snapshot locally as a file if you prefer.

If you are working on sensitive or proprietary data, and prefer to set up a private sharing server with access control, please refer to Deploying Argo Lite and Sharing backend service

Argo Lite lets you easily share your graph visualization with others via a URL.

You can load the snapshot from your saved file or from the shared link to work on them again.

Embed into Web Pages

Argo Lite allows you to embed your interactive graph visualization snapshots into iframe-based web widgets! You can embed them into web articles, blog posts and even interactive notebooks such as Jupyter Notebooks. Tell a story with your graph!

You can even embed the Argo Lite graph visualization in a Jupyter notebook!



Polo Chau
Polo Club of Data Science | Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech CS Prof. Human-centered AI, deep learning, cybersecurity, large graph visualization & mining. Covert designer, cellist, pianist.