How to get an asset listed on Poloniex

The Poloniex blog
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2019

As we look towards 2020, we have a long list of new products and features we’re excited about bringing to our customers. Our freedom to rapidly expand the assets we have listed on our exchange is at the top of that list. In preparation for new assets coming soon, we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on how we are approaching listings moving forward.

In June 2018, we published an initial asset framework that has acted as a guideline for how we determine each asset’s potential for listing on our exchange. We will continue to evaluate projects across a few broad categories, including: an asset’s fundamentals, technology, people, business model, community, and market dynamics.

Moving forward, there will be three ways for an asset to get listed on our exchange:

  1. Our new asset listing form
  2. Customer feedback & voting
  3. Top performers on Poloni DEX

Using our Asset Listing Form

We encourage all project founders or representatives who are interested in having their asset listed on Poloniex to apply using this form. We will rely on the information provided to us in our Asset Listing Form when evaluating an asset’s potential.

Incorporating Customer Feedback

We are introducing a few new ways for customers to be involved in which assets are routed to the top and ultimately get listed.

Early in 2020, we’ll begin holding polls on Poloniex where our community can vote on the assets they would most like to trade, lend, and stake with us. Users will be able to place votes using the TRX they hold in their Poloniex accounts.

We want our customers to be excited about the assets we list. In addition to voting, we’ll be opening up ways for customers to submit ideas of what they want to see listed on our exchange.

Elevating Top Performers on Poloni DEX

Our recent addition of Poloni DEX will create a new path for nascent assets to get listed on our exchange. We will regularly evaluate assets on Poloni DEX that are continually demonstrating strong volume, community interest, and positive technical development. We’ll open up the opportunity for these assets to be brought into the set of assets available on Poloniex.

Greater freedom moving forward means we can finally deliver on the listings, products, and features that our customers have been wanting to see. Expect more assets (both new and old), more earning opportunities (with staking, airdrops, and other means), and more ways to trade to be available on our exchange soon.



The Poloniex blog

Since 2014, the legendary crypto exchange for traders to buy, sell and hodl 400+ assets, including BTC, ETH and the best altcoins on the market.