Poloniex significantly upgrades customer support infrastructure

The Poloniex blog
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2019

Hello Poloniex customers! Did you hear the Trollbox is back? Well, this post isn’t about the Trollbox but we wanted to shamelessly plug it anyway and troll you while we were at it (catch-up here)!

What is this post really about? Customer support! Last month, we shared the first of four incredible Customer Support improvement updates. In that article, we outlined how our laser-focus and cross-team collaboration has resulted in resolving more than 140,000 open support tickets in one year. As we shared, it’s become our mission to transform how the crypto industry engages with customers to deliver world-class support and experiences. So, now we are back. This time with update numero dos.

In this article, we share how we have been transforming our technology stack to streamline interactions, drive operational efficiency, and reduce response times. While that may not appear to knock your socks off, these kinds of critical infrastructure and tool improvements lay the foundation for automation, integration and agitation — wait, maybe not that last one. We actually made these changes to help avoid getting you agitated. Really though, this migration will help us to support all your Poloniex’s needs — faster and more efficiently.

So grab your favorite frosty beverage and enjoy the read. Oh, and stay tuned for our third update next month where we share more about our global operation and new support channels!

What have we been working on?

On June 18th, 2019 we migrated all of our Customer Support Ticketing Tools and Support Centers to one single platform — Zendesk. Think of it like taking all 7 of the remote controls in your living room and combining them into one master touch-screen device. Game-changer right?

So now, our Support Team, as well as our internal partners, have the ability to view all of our customer inquiries in a single, centralized place. It’s part of our efforts to put the customer at the center of everything we do and brings us one step closer to servicing your every need across our entire suite of products.

As you can imagine, this multi-month, cross-team collaboration involved over 30 awesome Poloniex team members and opened up a whole slew of opportunities to not just centralize our tools but also redesign how customers engage with our team. So to sum it up, we:

  • Streamlined the end-to-end experience from first contact through full resolution
  • Introduced new underlying technology that increased efficiency and reduced redundancy
  • Simplified access to self-service and built new widgets to submit inquiries

But what is a streamlined Customer Support Experience?

Quite simply, it’s faster, easier and more efficient. Starting June 18th you will notice changes to the Poloniex Support page, such as instead of directing you away from our trading platform to file your support ticket, you will be able to use our new ticketing widget to submit your inquiry. It’s simple too, just click the Support bubble, enter the details of your inquiry using the guided prompts, then press submit. We then receive your inquiry and do our very best to reply in less than a day (usually in a few hours).

But what if you are having trouble accessing your account? No problem! If you are locked out, then the ticket form will still appear and guide you through the information necessary to contact us, as well as begin the process of regaining access to your account. Want to learn more? Good. Check it out here.

Teach a kid to fish

As much as we love providing world-class customer experiences, that’s really only part of what we aim to do as your Poloniex Support Team. We also believe in empowering our customers with the resources to find answers to their questions on their own, as well as offer education about how to use our platform and maximize its value to you.

So, as part of our most recent efforts, we have also invested product, design and engineering resources to overhaul and improve our Support Center. It’s just the first step, as we have lots more to do, but now you can find the latest announcements, tips on getting started and a growing knowledge base of articles that will help you do more, faster.

As an existing customer, we think you will REALLY enjoy these improvements (but please tell us if you don’t). As an aspiring customer, we hope this kind of focus and investment in our support experience illustrates how serious we are about our customers. Either way, thanks for reading and happy trading!



The Poloniex blog

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