5 Mistakes Couples Make When "Trying" Polyamory

1. Believing that poly can repair their broken relationship.

Shannon Ashley
Polyamory Today


Photo by ola symolon on Unsplash

Back when I was pregnant with my daughter, her father "came out" as polyamorous. I was a bit skeptical of his claim since he had a lifelong history of infidelity (lies), and most poly people I've encountered are serious about ethical (honest) non-monogamy.

We were already broken up when he made his announcement, so his dating choices did not directly impact me. It did, however, offer significant food for thought as I began to explore the dating world after becoming a mom. To be fair, I do consider one of my best relationships to be my connection with a poly man I lovingly call Mr. Atlanta.

One-on-one vs. More than two

In case you missed it, non-monogamy seems to be on the rise. Personally, I'm alright with that because I do believe that monogamy isn't for everybody. Especially the way we tend to do it in the US.

We tend to latch onto the idea of a single soulmate. One person to somehow "complete" us and make us understand why every other relationship has failed. Um, so it's pretty unrealistic.

A lot of us mix up love with codependency--and I've certainly been a grade A clinger as someone who manages borderline…



Shannon Ashley
Polyamory Today

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com