5 Surprising Side-Effects of Non-monogamy

I had no idea the ways my life would change

E. L. Byrne
Polyamory Today


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When I realized I preferred non-monogamy as my relationship orientation, it was as big a surprise to me as it was to everyone around me. I grew up a very traditional Christian, and I had never heard the word polyamory, even after I had basically started practicing my relationships that way. But now I have a little over four-years practicing non-monogamy under my belt and I cannot imagine my life any other way.

One of the most interesting things to come from living my life being open to and/or having more than one committed romantic relationship at a time has been all the wonderful things I have learned about myself and how I have grown through the process. There are many side-effects to non-monogamy I could never have predicted.

1. Developing wonderful new friendships

Sometimes when you meet someone and start to date, you pick up a few extra friends in your partner’s circle. I never expected to pick up my partner’s partners! You almost automatically have something in common with the people who care for your people. I have made some very good friends from my lover’s lovers.

Freed from the need to be everything to one person, I had the time…



E. L. Byrne
Polyamory Today

World traveler, memoir writer, lover of all things relationship- ENM www.elbyrnewriter.com Twitter: @ELByrne1 https://medium.com/@elbyrnew