9 Things People Get Wrong About Polyamory

Exploring some of the most common misconceptions about polyamorous relationships

Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today


Photo by christian buehner on Unsplash

Polyamory is a wonderful adventure, and like most adventures, there can be challenges involved. Along with the ups and downs present in any relationship involving human hearts and feelings, facing misconceptions and myths about what it means to be polyamorous can be frustrating.

Much of the time, people misunderstand what polyamory really means because they’ve only been exposed to their own monogamy-normative experiences. These are ten of the most common things people get wrong about non-monogamy.

Polyamorous people just haven’t met “the one.”

You just haven’t met the right partner yet, you’ll change your mind is an argument people use to tell you you’re wrong and dismiss you without just saying it outright. It begins with the assumption that you even subscribe to the concept of having one soulmate or perfect partner, which many people don’t.

The idea that someone is only polyamorous because they haven’t met their soulmate is not only reductionist, but dangerous. It dismisses any relationship that’s not exclusive as less-than, and ignores the fact that most people have deeply fulfilling relationships with more…



Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.