Discovering Polyamory in a World of Prince Charmings

Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today
Published in
8 min readApr 17, 2019


Photo by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels

Sometime in the space of the months after I moved out of the house I’d shared with my husband, I became the kind of person who had discussions about energy exchange. This led to a sunny, lazy afternoon in bed ending with a conversation about how lovely it had been. I can still recall with complete clarity the moment they turned to me and said, “I like how open and laid back you are. You’re low maintenance, but not aloof.” I loved that description. It’s like a tagline. The all new Rachael. Low maintenance, but not aloof.

In those months, I rediscovered my hibernating libido- scratch that. I can’t call it a rediscovery if it was completely different than it ever had been. Suddenly, I had an appetite, a hunger, and a freedom I’d never imagined. It was incredible. I had always assumed, no, KNOWN, that there were other women out there prettier than me, skinnier than me, better than me. Suddenly, that wasn’t true.

I came to know myself, for the first time ever. I came to love myself in a fierce, righteous way I’d never experienced. My confidence and self-worth bloomed, and I opened up wide to the possibilities and joys the world had to offer me. I felt power, I felt love growing in my heart, soon it was a free-flowing tap that I never wanted to turn off.



Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.