How Ethical Non-Monogamy Makes It Easier to Be Nice

An ENM Facebook group reminded me how good it feels to be respected

John Pucay
Polyamory Today


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I’m part of an indigenous ethnic minority. I’m not a white guy or a rich Asian, and I’m polyamorous. I’ve had my fair share of being stereotyped, misunderstood, and judged. So I try to be respectful and less judgmental to others. Luckily, other people often do the same for me.

My search for Ethical Non-Monogamy communities in my country yielded little results. But when I joined the Facebook group for Ethical Non-Monogamy Philippines a few weeks ago, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it felt to be treated with respect.

It was like crawling out of the Twitter sewers and jumping into an open, well-lit, civilized corner of social media that I never knew existed.

When you want friendliness from strangers, you’ll likely get it from upscale café baristas or savvy bartenders hungry for a tip. Not much on social media. But the folks at the ENM FB group demonstrated an astonishing level of grace that made me feel welcomed, empathized, and connected.

Culture shock



John Pucay
Polyamory Today

Author of Karinderya Love Songs; a 2020s dating and sex literary fiction novel. More details at Or