I Can’t Date Someone Who Hides the Fact They’re Polyamorous

There may be plenty of valid reasons to keep your non-monogamous life a secret, but I have to stay true to myself

Tom Brand
Polyamory Today
Published in
6 min readAug 5, 2022


A close up of a white women’s face. A large brimmed hat covers her eyes, and she has a finger on her lips to shush the audience.
Woovii | iStockphoto

How would you feel if someone you were dating refused to tell their friends and family about you? If they told you that while they really wanted to date you, nobody else could ever know?

I imagine you wouldn’t feel very good about it at all.

But the truth is, sometimes people have no choice but to keep their dating life a secret. But while their reasons may be completely valid, you’re not a bad person if you decide this isn’t going to work for you.

Laying down the ground rules

When I met my last partner, she made it very clear I would never become part of her “real life”.

She and her husband each dated other people, but this part of their lives wasn’t something they told their family or friends about. Essentially, the two of them had built a life together, and they had no plans for their newly discovered non-monogamy to disrupt this. And so, this meant she came with certain ground rules: Their family home was out of bounds for dates; She would never be able to stay over at mine unless her teenage son was out of…



Tom Brand
Polyamory Today

Blogging about polyamory, ethical-non-monogamy, and modern relationships | (He/Him) | DiscoveringPolyamory.com | ko-fi.com/discoveringpolyamory