Red Flags in Polyamorous Dating

Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today
Published in
8 min readApr 25, 2019


Photo by Mirko Toller

Any one of us could likely sit down and make a long list of red flags we’ve experienced in dating. As a polyamorous woman, there are a whole new set of warning signs to pay attention to when I’m getting to know a new potential partner.

Primary Relationships

You can practice polyamory in a million different ways, so when I’m getting to know a potential new partner, I always talk to them about what their polyamory looks like. An arrangement I come across often is people who have a “primary partner,” usually the person they live with, are married to, or have children with, and then date other people outside of that, sometimes called “secondary partners.”

I can’t even count the number of times someone has told me something along the lines of “Well, we were to the point of getting a divorce or seeing other people, so we are poly now.” Being polyamorous should be an intentional decision, not something that happens because you are lonely and your relationship is failing. I have sympathy for people who reach that point in a marriage or committed relationship- I’ve been there. Things were really bad, but I waited until I was single to do any exploring outside my marriage.

Anyone who asks me if I am able to “be discreet” is immediately suspect. This doesn’t just apply to polyamorous dating, but it seems to…



Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.