What is Polyamory?

A basic introduction to ethical non-monogamy and loving more

Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today


Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

Online dating can be a tricky world to navigate, and over time I’ve come to a point where there are certain questions I’m going to ask directly, and ask early in a conversation. One of them is are you single? How long I wait before asking partially depends on if I see red flags, or if they drop hints about being discreet.

Usually, the response is that they ask me the same, and my usual reply is “I have a boyfriend, we’re polyamorous.”

A significant amount of the time, the response is “what is that?”

It’s not the easiest question to answer. Despite the fact that polyamory has gotten more media time in recent years, many people haven’t been exposed to it at all.

What is polyamory?

Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the consent of all partners involved. Some of the core tenets of polyamory include treating relationships with other people in an…



Rachael Hope
Polyamory Today

Polyamorous, loud laughing unapologetic feminist, rad fatty, and epic sweet tooth.