When You’re Not Exactly Cool with Your Girlfriend Being Polyamorous

What to do when the love of your life is polyamorous and you are not

Wendy Newman
Polyamory Today


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Ask Wendy: Dating, Sex & Relationship Advice for the Bold

Hey Wendy,

The love of my life is a polyamorous woman. I reluctantly accept her lifestyle with the understanding that she will involve me in her encounters somehow (watching, videos, audio, etc.)

The first attempt at this was with a former FWB. She forgot to record anything because things happened too fast. It took everything I had to be ok with this situation. The one thing I asked for she ignored.

When I confront her she starts sobbing saying she’s sorry. I don’t know what to do.

David B.


Hey David,

It doesn’t sound like you’re all that okay with her being polyamorous. And you don’t have to be cool with it — just don’t say you are when you’re not. I have some questions for you:

“Reluctantly Accepted”

How do you think it feels for your partner to be “reluctantly accepted” as she is in your relationship? Probably not that amazing, I’m guessing. Please accept her, or don’t accept her. This…



Wendy Newman
Polyamory Today

Dating, Sex & Relationship Expert and Author of 121 First Dates (Simon & Schuster). Over 80,000 women trust Wendy’s advice, tools, & experience. WendySpeaks.com