Booster Partnership: tofuNFT

tofuNFT (formerly SCV.Finance) is a fully-featured decentralized multi-chain marketplace for buying, selling and trading NFTs.

Polychain Monsters


Five months ago, we embarked on our cross-chain journey beginning with Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The weeks after, our community started looking for reliable secondary marketplaces to trade their precious Polymon living on BSC. Among a few first-movers, SCV Finance emerged as our community’s favorite NFT marketplace, being both functional and reliable, as well as very responsive to their user’s feedback.

Today, Polychain Monsters accounts for around 80% of SCV Finance’s daily trading volume, leading to over 125,000 trades and 13,000 BNB trading volume in total. That’s why we’re incredibly proud to finally reveal our Booster Partnership with SCV Finance (now tofuNFT) today!

Down with the old, up with the new

SCV Finance recently released their newest NFT marketplace update along with a complete redesign and rebranding to tofuNFT.

“… our focus was to create the best DeFi portfolio and innovation based on DeFi and NFT technologies. But with our product and community growing, the SCV protocol has expanded beyond simple yield farming and the NFT market to offering a suite of creative products to serve NFT investors, and our vision has evolved to the next stage of NFT. Therefore, we believe it is time to move beyond the connotations and trappings of “SCV”. Today, the NFT Market of will be rebranded to: tofuNFT — A modern designed multi-chain NFT marketplace for GameFi and collectibles that supports every advanced feature for NFT trading.”

Special-Edition tofu Unizilla

For this particular partnership, we’ve designed a brand new Polymon, the tofu Unizilla (laser eyes, anyone!?) This rampaging beast will be available in our boosters starting 18th October, 4.00 pm UTC. It will come with all 10 horn variations and a 1% chance of glitter. As with the MultiVAC Unipanda, the Unizilla will stay in boosters as a permanent drop, expanding our collection and bringing even more variety to our community when opening booster packs. The chance of discovering the ultra-rare tofu Unizilla is just 0.01%!

Tearing down beloved SCV Finance City in a destructive rampage, tofu Unizilla makes place for the modernly-designed multi-chain NFT marketplace tofuNFT — the new home for traders of GameFi and collectibles alike.

NFT Utility

To spice things up, we’re happy to announce that the first 20 lucky people discovering the tofu Unizilla in booster packs will be able to trade without fees on tofuNFT for a whole month!

Right now, tofuNFT receives a 5.00% fee for each trade, leading to 5–13 BNB trading fees among the top 10 Polymon traders in the last 30 days. On average, fees are around 0.2 BNB per 30 days.

In addition, the first five people discovering the tofu Unizilla in booster packs will receive an ultra-rare $PMON-branded Unirex on Solana.

Once the first 5 (20) tofu Unizilla have been discovered, we announce further details about you will be able to trade without fees on tofuNFT and how you’ll get your Unirexcity NFT.

Twitter Raffle

We know you love sneak peeks! That’s why we shared a sketch of the Unizilla with you on Twitter three weeks ago, asking you with whom we would be partnering for this special edition!

We are overwhelmed by the vast engagement and congratulate @lubird__ for winning the tofu Unizilla!

AMA & Quiz

Along with its availability in booster packs, we will organize another special Twitter event on 18th October, enabling you to win one of two tofu Unizillas!

After kicking things off with a Twitter event, we will organize an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the Polychain Monsters Telegram channel on 19th October at 2.00 pm UTC.

The tofuNFT team will come and join us for one hour, allowing you to ask questions, give feedback and learn more about what’s coming on tofuNFT in the near future.

Follow closely, as we will arrange a short quiz with five questions about tofuNFT at the end of the AMA. The first person correctly answering a question will score a point. At the end of the quiz, the person scoring the most points will win the tofu Unizilla.

NFT Creation contest

Right after the AMA, on 19th October at 4.00 pm UTC, we will start hosting an NFT Creation contest on Twitter.

To be eligible to participate, you need to create art representing tofuNFT and Polychain Monsters and mint it as an NFT on a secondary marketplace of your choice.

All participants need to submit their artwork before 24th October, 4.00 pm UTC through the following form and on Twitter while tagging and following the accounts of @polychainmon and @scv_finance.

NFT Creation Contest Form can be found here.

The five winners will be announced on 25th October. We are already excited to see your beautiful creations!

About tofuNFT

tofuNFT is a fully featured decentralized marketplace for buying, selling and trading NFTs, created by SCV.Finance, and deployed on multiple blockchains.

tofuNFT is designed to be easy to use, yet highly optimized for efficient trading. It is a successor of SCV’s NFT Marketplace, which started as a side project of SCV.Finance to serve the SCV NFT holders as a place to exchange rare NFTs from blindboxes, and then grew rapidly into one of the top NFT marketplaces on Binance Smart Chain with the highest trading volume.

tofuNFT is a completely rewritten NFT market based on the experience from SCV’s NFT Marketplace. It inherits all the advantages, like fast loading and advanced filters, and at the meantime equipped with many new features and enhancements.

To learn more about how is tofuNFT different from the previous SCV NFT Marketplace, read the detailed comparison sheet here.




About Polychain Monsters

Polychain Monsters are beautifully animated cross-chain NFTs with varying scarcity, waiting for you to be discovered in digital booster packs. These NFTs will play an integral part in upcoming off- and on-chain games. In addition, Polychain Monsters offers DeFi features such as ERC-20 & BEP-20 PMON, as well as NFT staking.


tofuNFT (BSC)
OpenSea (ETH)

