Moonie NFT Booster Incubation: AMA Recap

Polychain Monsters
Published in
11 min readAug 16, 2021


To kick off our Booster Incubation with Moonie NFT, we hosted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on our Telegram channel last Thursday, 12th August. For everyone who couldn’t participate, we summarized the whole AMA in this blog post.

Among all participants, we gave away two Moonie Uniairs, allowing the lucky holders to make use of a $500 allocation in Moonie NFT’s upcoming IDO. In addition, the NFT will act as a gateway to the play-to-earn Moonieverse.

AMA Recap

Lina: Please welcome @lukaszkowalski and @szachnom from MoonieNFT

Łukasz Kowalski: Hello everyone!

Lina: Good to see you guys 🎉

Łukasz Kowalski: We are Michał Szachno and Łukasz Kowalski, the co-founders of MoonieNFT!

Michał specializes in blockchain technology, business development, and the crypto industry. He is also the co-founder of VIAOT, an AI legal assistant built on the blockchain.

Łukasz is the co-founder of Flying Bisons (, a digital consultancy company from Poland with over 50 highly skilled specialists on board. Responsible for the Mooniverse design and development

We are very excited to answer your questions about the MoonieNFT project and Moonieverse platform!

Lina: Thanks for the introduction 🤗 that’s very interesting

We are super excited to work with you and have you here today.

Łukasz Kowalski: So are we! Your community is great!

Lina: So, can you please introduce your project and the problems you want to solve / Solutions you are proposing?

Yes they are 🤩

Łukasz Kowalski: Absolutely @PolkaLina !

Our project is called MoonieNFT - We’re an innovative Play 2 Earn platform supported by our adorable Moonie NFTs! We’re pushing the concept of play to earn to the limit by making every part of our platform gamified.

We’ve had a lot of fun working on this project, we’ve put a lot of effort into designing something that would truly stand out, and we hope you’ll notice that and will have as much fun taking part in the game as us creating and designing it

We've created Moonies, pixel art creatures. They are the avatars of the meta-universe that represent all of the things we love in the crypto space. Our goal is for every cryptocurrency project to have its own custom Moonie!

We are starting with 4 funny types: Bitty, Ettie, Doggie, and Normie.

They’re all trying to get to the moon, but have very different philosophies and beliefs !!!

Bitties are bitcoin maximalists and worship Satoshi. Some say that they might even know what his true identity is :o

Etties are futurists and tech geniuses who are convinced about the rocketing future of ethereum.

Doggies are funny enthusiastic creatures that breathe for dogecoin’s 100x growth. Some people call them Doggy Degens, but they don’t like that very much.

Normies are innocent and hopeful - they only dream of one lambo

We call our world the Moonieverse.

To get a Moonie you need to buy a Moonchest using our $MNY tokens and draw one.

Bitties, Etties, and Doggies are rare, but Normies are common (90% chance).


NFT holders (beside Normies) will be able to sit in a rocket and participate in price races to win big cash prizes (the first race prize is 100k USD guaranteed).

The first rocket to hit the price target wins. The price target for the first race is BTC - 100k, ETH - 10k, Doge - 1 USD.

During the race, NFT holders can play arcade games to level up and stack the same types of Moonies to earn even more. There will be leaderboards. We use Moonchest sales to finance prizes and weekly pay for players.


If you got Normie, don't worry, you can burn it in a weekly Research Lab to help OG Moonies to develop better space&rocket technology.

You can also deposit USDT, and stake our $MNY token to finance Normies' work!

Every week we will find the Normie or a “smart money” owner who contributed to progressing Moonie research. For this contribution will win a pool of funds generated from USDT deposits yield (we pay people who deposit USDT 50% of Moonchest sales - the APY can get crazy).

Right after the listing, we will announce new races to bring together communities and make them compete. Most likely the next one will include NFT projects 🙂 Maybe even Polychain Monsters @PolkaLina

We hope to revolutionize the NFT play-to-earn experience by building a platform that sets the new standard for gamified yield generation and play-to-earn gaming !!!


Lina: Wow, that's such an extensive project and it looks fantastic! 😍

Thank you for the detailed explanation.

So please explain to our community what makes the Moonie NFT unique?

Łukasz Kowalski: A Moonie isn’t just your average NFT, each and every Moonie we create has a purpose and utility. Not to mention Moonies are beautifully designed 🙂

Each major cryptocurrency should and will have a dedicated type of Moonie. We start with Bitty, Ettie, and Doggie but in near future, we will introduce new ones. Remember that there will be only 2000 Moonies per currency or project.

Our main goal is to introduce new types of Moonies and onboard new communities & projects!

This is where we see our road to success.

We aim to be the adorable entity that connects the entire crypto meta-universe, or as we like to call it, Moonieverse 😉

That is why we are self-funded and we raised very little!

Lina: And what's the importance of the $MNY token and for what will it be used?

Łukasz Kowalski: The $MNY token is your gateway to the Moonieverse.

You can use $MNY to purchase Moonchests and unbox your very own unique Moonie beginning your journey into Moonieverse games and activities!

You can also stake your $MNY in the Research Lab to earn yield while entering a chance to win the Research Lab prize pool where interest earned on pooled funds is distributed as a prize!

Lina: That’s awesome! The community will love it 🥳

Who are some supporters of the Moonie NFT Project and what partnerships does the project have?

I love your visuals 😄

Łukasz Kowalski: Thank you @PolkaLina ! I hope the community will like Moonies too!

MoonieNFT is backed by and partnered with many great leaders within the Blockchain community!

Some of our backers and partnerships include 🔥 Polychain Monsters 💪, Ash WSB, Moonboots Capital, and Polygon.

My personal goal was to build smth meaningful in the crypto space 🙂

But what is more important here is that we have a very strong and experienced team which allowed us to be a self-funded project with no VC onboard.

Lina: That’s nice. You’ll rock it 🎉

What is your project trying to achieve in the longer term? How will your ultimate vision and mission make a difference in the world?

Łukasz Kowalski: Our goal with Moonies is to make NFTs more interactive, and more accessible to the public.

We believe that the NFT has far more to offer beyond just digital art. We want to build an NFT that gives you a fun and interactive experience that you can share with others.

I wanted my parents to be able to understand the project 🙂

We also are on a mission to make the intimidating world of cryptocurrency far more palatable and accessible to the world by providing a portal into the crypto sphere through our fun and interactive NFTs

Again we believe that each big cryptocurrency should have its own Moonie.

The current phase of the project is just an MVP and proof-of-concept. It’s very important for us to test the concept and if the community will like it we are going full scale.

We are aiming to build a 3D game and we are going to present you with a sneak peek of it before the IDO.

We've already started 🙂

Lina: That’s amazing. I think that’s only achievable with a great team, right? Can you tell us more about it?

Łukasz Kowalski: NFT is a tough space. Add games to it and you have ultra-competitive space!

The MoonieNFT Team is lucky to have many talented and experienced professionals involved with the project.

professional teams are involved and behind the project

From the beginning, we wanted to bring together a team which can deliver the real project in the NFT space. The one that will be operational before the launch!

We have 3 companies that are supporting the core development of the project:

Flying Bisons (team of 50) - Design and development

Veriori (team of 30)- Blockchain development

Swipers (team o 7) - Game development

Lina: I think we have learned a lot about MoonieNFT and your Moonieverse. But there are always open questions of the community. 😉

Łukasz Kowalski, Lets do it!

Q1: What are the additional benefits of holding your tokens over those that don't hold your tokens and are there also any benefits for long-term holders?

Michal: Yes sure, Holders of $MNY tokens will be able to stake them and collect additional rewards - it can be used to purchase more Moonchests 🙂 as well as enter the Moonie Research Lab to have a chance of winning the Weekly Grand Prize. Assuming the increased interest of the platform and additional features being added along the way, $MNY holders will be happy to have their stack and spend it freely on their gameplay to earn even more!

Q2: How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you with the development of the project?

Lukasz: This is our top priority, we would love to get as much feedback as we can!

Q3:How is Project development going? Can you describe in detail current development efforts, market expansion plans, expected applications, and when will they become commercially available?

Lukasz: We are building a backend for price races (Flying Bisons) and De-Fi for Research Lab (Veriori). In a few days, we will start arcade game development!

commercially available - by the end of September!

On a listing event, you will be able to buy Moonchests and get your Moonies!

Q4: Hi, excited for the launch of moonie! Is moonie only optimized for browsers or will there be plans for android and ios? Basically, we can just buy a Moonchest and start having fun in MoonieNFT right? Looking forward to playing this with my daughter!

Lukasz: Thank you! We are so excited for you and your daughter to try our platform! This is a great question. Access and usability were one of our biggest priorities when developing the platform, we are creating the Moonieverse after all!

Our platform will be available on IOS and Android initially, and we are working on developing our desktop and mac versions for the future.

Q5:For all the gamers here, can you tell us more about the types of games that will emerge around the Moonie universe?

Lukasz: The first game will scan your Moonies’ QR code and you will be able to fly it to the moon. It will be a one-tap game for iPhone and Android.

There will be a weekly leaderboard and the best players will get 10% of Moonchest sales + lvlup Moonies + Moonchests.

People will be allowed to play only a few times a day

We are launching it by the end of September. We will show the full prototype before the IDO

Q6: I was looking at your roadmap and noticed that it stops at Q4 of 2021.

You mentioned that your platform will have races for other cryptocurrencies (other than BTC, ETH, DOGE), but that your ultimate goal is to make NFTs more interactive, and more accessible to the public.

As such, will there be development in the arcade games?

For example, different types of games, or perhaps weekly events?

I think for investors in “play-to-earn” games, it is quite important that other than the “play-to-earn” element, there need to be constant updates to the gameplay, as repeating the same gameplay can get stale very quickly.

Lukasz: There’s nothing we love more than people who look at our roadmap ;). It may currently only be scheduled up to Q4, but we have already planned several trajectories for Moonies to travel. The price races are always going to be a staple of our platform, but we will be constantly adjusting and adapting them to the current market. We want to keep our platform as fresh and fulfilling as possible, and part of that is not letting the concept get old or stale.

We already have several arcade games in the works, when we first started we wanted to make sure we didn’t become a one-hit-wonder when it comes to games. We created the play to earn Moonieverse to explore all of the unique ways you can play and win. Michal is a DeFi genius and loves to develop new cool DeFi mechanisms that both crypto enthusiasts and normies can enjoy 😉

Q7: Nowadays So many Rug Pulls and exit scams happening. How Users can trust your project and How you are different from others?

Lukasz: The team is public. Check Flying Bisons and my LinkedIn profile. We are here for the long run

Winners: Q5: @BenClg Q4: @kanazer1

Moonie NFT Links


About Polychain Monsters

Polychain Monsters are beautifully animated cross-chain NFTs with varying scarcity, waiting for you to be discovered in digital booster packs. These NFTs will play an integral part in upcoming off- and on-chain games. In addition, Polychain Monsters offers DeFi features such as ERC-20 & BEP-20 PMON, as well as NFT staking.



