Polygen Upcoming IDO Announcements

Polygen Community
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2021

The news you have all been waiting for, Polygen IDO and platform launch dates.

On 7 December, 2021 we officially open Polygen to our community — this will be the first time anyone will have access to Polygen and our unique approach to raises, using the Dutch Auction System (“DAS”) and Community Liquidity Seeding. To celebrate this huge occasion, we chose to run Polygen IDO on Polygen and co- IDO’s with the teams at Trustpad (Dec 7), Polystarter (Dec 8) and Copper (Dec 8), to give their communities a first look at $PGEN and investors the best price discovery experience.

To take part in the Polygen IDO on Polygen, all you need to do is complete KYC before Dec 6. Once you complete KYC and are verified — then that’s it, you’re eligible to participate in our IDO, and any IDO that is on Polygen in the future.

Please read about how to participate in Polygen’s IDO on Polystarter here and Trustpad here.

When you participate in the Polygen on Polygen IDO, you’ll be utilizing a “Dutch Auction” mechanism built using technology provided by Balancer.

The Dutch Auction is a fairer auction mechanism, creating a more balanced playing field for investors. During a dutch auction, the price of a token starts at the highest asking price and then lowers over time. This gives everyone the opportunity to buy in at the price they feel a token is worth. This is also known as the descending price auction or a uniform price auction. Polygen uses this form of auction on our platform to ensure a fair sale of tokens and that whales do not unduly affect the price of a token in a raise.

We will release more information about how to use the platform and fully participate in our IDO this week. It’s a new approach, so we will also have our CEO, Mike Hepburn and Head of Strategy, David Atkinson go through the process in detail during a Fireside Chat in our Telegram on Dec 3. Join our Telegram Chat to get involved.

Key dates

December 1st — Polystarter Whitelist Opens
December 2nd — Trustpad Whitelist registration opens
December 6th — Polystarter Whitelist closes
December 6th — KYC closes for Polygen
December 7th — Polygen IDO and Polygen IDO on Trustpad
December 8th — Polygen IDO on Polystarter & Polygen IDO on Copper

We’re excited to do this, and we can’t wait for you to give our platform a spin!

About Polygen

Polygen is the Community’s launchpad. We enable Projects to experiment and innovate with no gatekeepers - anyone can launch any project with no fees.

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Polygen Community

Polygen is the Community’s Launchpad, the first truly decentralized launchpad where projects are free to innovate, experiment and launch with no gatekeepers.