Mi Mayor Añoranza/My Greatest Longing

Spanish and English Poem

María Cristina Aponte
Polyglot Poetry


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


Es triste saber que no hablamos el mismo idioma.
Que los besos que yo añoro, tú los aborreces.
Que el cariño que te doy tú lo archivas como historia,
y el amor que por mi sientes, lo desfavoreces.

Sé que tus expresiones de amor son diferentes
y que dentro de tu corazón, me adoras.
Me consuela el pensar que me tienes en tu mente,
aunque pases dentro de ella largas horas.

Porque yo daría todo por oírte y entenderte,
por sentir como tú sientes, aunque sea sólo un minuto,
por viajar al lugar en donde tú te diviertes.
De esa forma yo te alcanzaré mientras transmuto.


It’s sad to know we don’t speak the same language.
that the kisses that I long for, you hate.
That the affection I give you, you file away,
and the love you feel for me, you disfavor it.

I know that your expressions of love are different
and that inside your heart, you adore me.
I take comfort in the thought that you have me in your mind,
even if you spend long hours inside it.

Because I would give anything to hear and understand you,
to feel the way you feel, even if it’s only for a minute,
to travel to the place where you have fun.
That way, I will reach you while I transmute.



María Cristina Aponte
Polyglot Poetry

Mother, wife, accountant, choir singer, baseball fan, poet, writer. Highly sensitive introvert. cristina_aponte@yahoo.com