Polynomial Protocol: Community Content Contest 2

Polynomial Protocol
2 min readOct 6, 2022


Did you miss Polynomial’s first-ever community content contest? Here’s your chance to be part of it.

Anyone can create content related to Derivatives, DeFi Option Vaults and Polynomial Earn Vaults v2. Creators can choose their favourite topic and create content on their respective platforms. 500 $OP tokens will be distributed among the top 5 submissions.

The core team will choose 5 Winners according to the quality of the content, where the creators will not only have a chance to win the $OP rewards but also receive the exposure they deserve. All the participants will be eligible for an OAT powered by Project Galaxy after the contest is over.

👉 From 7th October 2022–31st October 2022

✏️ Rules of the contest:

  • Create content ( Any content — Twitter threads, YouTube Videos, articles etc.)
  • Post your content in the #community-content channel on the discord server.
  • Creators should fill out the form.
  • The Polynomial team will select the winners based on reach and the quality of the content.

👉 Submission form https://forms.gle/HXt175ejg9dRBuQ37

Winners will be announced several days after the end date.

Previous Winners

OP whales : Polynomial Thread

Lucky Ducky : Tutorial on Earn Vaults

Script-money : Blog on Polynomial (Chinese)

OlD_BoY : Thread on Polynomial (Persian)

Hitasurayek’s Tutorial on Earn Vaults

About Polynomial

Polynomial automates financial derivative strategies to create products that deliver passive yield on various assets. Polynomial Earn is the first DeFi Options Vault (DOV) project completely on-chain by selling options directly to an AMM.

🌍 Website |🐦 Twitter|💬 Discord|📝 Docs | ⚡️ Earn app

