6 (Undeniable) Data-Based Reasons to Participate in the PolySwarm ICO

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5 min readMar 2, 2018

The PolySwarm ICO has already been well-received, just 1.5 weeks into the public sale. We’re confident in PolySwarm’s ability to solve a variety of critical, worldwide problems, and the value it will bring as a cybersecurity product is significant — but don’t trust us. Let the data speak for itself, as we share a few of the many reasons why you should purchase your Nectar.

Threat Intelligence is an Evolving Industry

The cybersecurity market size is expected to grow from 137.85 Billion in 2017 to 231.94 Billion by 2022 (USD). (Markets and Markets)

We are the first decentralized cyber security marketplace in an industry that’s growing exponentially, year-over-year. It’s safe to assume that as that industry grows, threats will evolve, and the need for a new, more adept solution will be sought after. That solution will be, PolySwarm. That’s why we have an advisory board filled with experts in the field, including Mark Tonnesen, former CIO of McAfee, and Dan Guido, CEO of Trail of Bits.

We’ve also formed a number of important partnerships, which validates our assumption that we’re creating something important.

Want to learn more about our advisers? Check out this blog post:

Threats Come From Every Angle

4,000 ransomware attacks occurred per day in 2016, four times more than the previous year. (IBM Report)

Our slogan is simple: “Threats come from every angle, threat protection should too.” With thousands of attacks happening every single day, we need broader coverage. We need security experts working 24 hours a day to detect and thwart these threats.

PolySwarm’s worldwide network of security experts makes this possible. None of this would be possible without decentralized market design enabled by blockchain technology.

Cybersecurity Products Need to Keep Up

The number of lost, stolen or compromised records increased globally by 164% in the first half of 2017. (Gemalto)

PolySwarm is poised to solve a real problem, worldwide. You may be thinking: Yeah, you and every other cybersecurity and antivirus company. However, the difference between us and them is our worldwide network of security experts that allows for significantly improved coverage for everyone who’s plugged into our ecosystem.

Our CTO explains how this differs from current cybersecurity coverage, specifically speaking about enterprises, in a recent blog post:

“Antivirus A will cover a portion of this landscape (the left circle) and Antivirus B will cover a portion that partially overlaps with A’s portion (the right circle). The black represents all the threats that both products miss. Enterprises cannot use both products, so they must choose a single provider that ‘best fits’ their expected threat profile and accept the risk posed by threats that are uniquely defended by only one of the products. A decentralized market will allow CISOs to get more sleep and enable enterprises to extract better protection for less money.”

We Plan to Partner With the McAfees of the World

The McAfee Labs count of new malware in Q3 reached an all-time high of 57.6 million new samples, an increase of 10% from Q2. (McAfee)

A question we’ve heard many times in the last few months: “How do you plan to compete with [Insert cyber security company name here]?” And the answer is easy: We don’t.

The plan is not to compete against them, but to work together to improve the threat protection they provide their customers. Companies like McAfee may choose to plug into PolySwarm as an Ambassador, allowing them to optimize their current threat detection efforts. They can also use PolySwarm as an Enterprise participant (as an enterprise network, separate from their product), as well.

Learn more about participants in the PolySwarm ecosystem by visiting our “How it Works” page.

We’re About to Have a Shortage of Security Experts

3.5 million IT security jobs will go unfulfilled by 2021. (Cybersecurity Ventures)

There’s a shortage of IT experts in western countries while there’s an oversupply of talent in other countries with limited job opportunities. Jack Miller, Chief Information Security Officer at SlashNext, addressed this problem in his 2018 cybersecurity prediction:

“We first need to fill the growing shortfall of qualified security experts who have the necessary skills and experience to solve these problems for organizations of all types and sizes. Hiring and training enough skilled security workers will continue to be one of the biggest challenges facing CISOs in 2018 and beyond.”

PolySwarm addresses this issue directly, bringing enterprises, consumers, vendors and geographically-diverse security experts together into a single marketplace. These experts craft and maintain competing software, called “micro-engines,” and are rewarded with Nectar for timely and accurate malware identification. In this way, security experts are incentivized to hone their skills, providing greater protection while making “money” at the same time.

Learn more about how PolySwarm is working to mitigate the lack of IT security jobs in our recent video:

We Have the Details in Place

“If you want an advertisement for why ICOs are so important, just read up on the Ethereum ICO. This was one man with a vision who got a dedicated and talented team around him, got the white paper out, convinced people to invest in his project and then ultimately made one of the most important platforms in crypto history. This is what ICOs should be like.” (BlockGeeks)

Okay, that isn’t a statistic — but the details are critical in an ICO, and we’ve got them figured out:

  • Take a look at our all-star team at our Team Page (and don’t miss our impressive advisors).
  • Read our Whitepaper.
  • Don’t miss our Road Map.

Finally, don’t miss a single PolySwarm update by signing up for our newsletter!




The world’s first decentralized threat intelligence market. Learn more @ https://polyswarm.io