Listen: PolySwarm is a “legitimately fascinating concept” say Risky Business podcast host Patrick Gray

Anna Keeve
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2019

“It’s a legitimately fascinating concept…kind of like bug bounties for both incumbent and niche AV engines.” This is what Patrick Gray said recently about cybersecurity startup PolySwarm on his podcast Risky Business.

From monetary incentives for security experts, to better, faster detection for enterprises, Gray breaks down everything you need to know about PolySwarm from his perspective while interviewing PolySwarm Founder and CEO Steve Bassi. Take a listen here:

Want to test your suspicious file on the PolySwam network? Click here.

Security expert or antivirus company interested in adding your scanning engine to the PolySwarm marketplace? Click here.

(This interview was done in partnership with Risky Business as part of their sponsored partner content program, Soap Box.)



Anna Keeve

Communications Director at PolySwarm. Keeping you updated on all the exciting PolySwarm news!