PolySwarm at Black Hat / DEF CON 2019: Keynote speaker + VIP party

Anna Keeve
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2019

Again this year we are heading to one of the largest cybersecurity conferences in the world: Black Hat USA and DEF CON. We have some exciting activities and happenings this year, all outlined below.

PolySwarm CTO Paul Makowski, keynote speaker

We are pleased to announce PolySwarm CTO Paul Makowski will be speaking as one of the keynotes at the DEF CON Blockchain Village. There are two keynotes this year at Blockchain Village, one of them is Paul (delivering the Day 2 keynote) and the other (Day 1 keynote) is presented by Coinbase CISO Pilip Martin. Don’t miss both of these highly-anticipated talks!

Blockchain-Security Symbiosis: Security Enabling Blockchains; Blockchains Enabling Security

Cybersecurity and blockchain technology share a symbiotic relationship. On one hand, blockchain ecosystems that aren’t secure aren’t useful. On the other hand, blockchain technology unlocks new options for securing systems, infrastructure and more. Join us for a discussion of both sides of the coin: a look back at advances (and missteps) in securing blockchains and a look forward to security applications of blockchain technology.

More info on Blockchain Village and the full agenda here.

An epic intergalactic party you won’t want to miss…

What better way to connect with PolySwarm tech leadership while also mingling with your security pals? A private party of course! PolySwarm is hosting a futuristic-themed party at the MGM Grand’s SKYLOFTS in a VIP suite. Once you RSVP (on our event page HERE) you will receive details and a secret passcode to enter. Make sure to have your burning life-questions ready for our psychic who will be giving readings to each of our guests.

Interested in personal meeting with PolySwarm co-founders? Let us know and we will set you up

We are still scheduling private meetings with the PolySwarm co-founders. Simply drop us a line at hello@polyswarm.io with the meeting request. We’ll set you up with a 30 minute sit down during the conference to meet the team and learn about the benefits of PolySwarm to see if it’s a good fit for your organization. (We are meeting with both sides of the PolySwarm marketplace: security experts and AV companies looking to put their engine in, and also enterprises / organizations looking to tap into the crowdsourced network of threat intel.) Our threat detection marketplace is a better model for detecting and sharing malware and we will show you why!

Learn more about PolySwarm in the meantime here, www.polyswarm.io



Anna Keeve

Communications Director at PolySwarm. Keeping you updated on all the exciting PolySwarm news!