Join Me in My Love Affair With the Tarot

The Magician: The Veil Parts and the Fool Still Traipses Behind

Jay Squires
Polytheist Problems


Courtesy Pixabay

Thank you, Journeyer, for parting the veil (at least the outer veil, as we shall see) and entering into the first of the Greater Mysteries — the Major Arcana.

The more deeply you read the Minor Arcana, the better your preparation will be for this journey. If you haven’t done the preliminary work, I invite you to read the past offerings here: Jay’s Love Affair With the Tarots.

My intention is to cover at least two cards per article. However, I discovered at the get-go, while attempting to interpret The Magician and The High Priestess in one post, that the latter was much too long. Therefore, I needed to begin a second post with The High Priestess.

In any case, thanks for coming … and have a safe journey.


A close connection exists between the youthful Magician of the Upper Arcana and the Ace of all four suits of the Lower Arcana.

Both represent unlimited potential in their sphere of influence. The emboldened text should be a hallelujah shout-out to the readers’ collective soul. With our soul receptively open, we must approach this potential with reverence and fear.



Jay Squires
Polytheist Problems

I AM an AUTHOR, salesman, optimist, dreamer: May the four always COHABIT & produce wondrous progeny. IN THE SWIRLING POOL OF LIFE, I'm an unflushable floater.