My Love Affair With the Tarots

Who Will Be There to Greet You at the Parting of the Veil — None but the Fool — none but Thyself!

Jay Squires
Polytheist Problems


A Man whose face is tattered like cloth and a bird flying nearby.
Photo by Yiannia Tzan on Unsplash

As I write this, I am at my daughter’s house, babysitting my barely-teen Grand, Madi, while her parents are out of the state attending my other Grand’s Hockey tournament.

I’m telling you this because, while here, I was planning on writing the description and my interpretation of the Fool card.

Only … I forgot my Rider deck.

What a fool, right?

Anyway, you should know me well enough by now to realize I don’t dare venture an exposition without the card before me. So that will come later after the weekend — this being Friday morning as I write.

But I will say this:

We are all Fools.

Even if we are currently in hiatus from our Fool-ishness, we shall soon be back owning that title. We are more the Fool when we try denying it to the world that sees through us, or in quieter moments to ourselves.

If we look hard we can see it in ourselves. But it’s closer and in such better focus in the other fellow/gal.

I hope I’m not offending anyone by saying this. If I am, Fool-ish me for my tactlessness. Fool-ish you for…



Jay Squires
Polytheist Problems

I AM an AUTHOR, salesman, optimist, dreamer: May the four always COHABIT & produce wondrous progeny. IN THE SWIRLING POOL OF LIFE, I'm an unflushable floater.