How Pomerium is building its Web3 platform

Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2023

Pomerium is a Web3 gaming studio establishing its GameFi environment securing and validating all the gaming data including items.

Let’s find out more in detail how Pomerium is putting efforts to achieve building its secure and robust Web3 gaming ecosystem.

Transparency : double-edged sword in Web3

While Web3 environment guarantees users’ data sovereignty as well as platform control via blockchain technology, there are also increasing number of financial crimes abusing blockchain environment’s transparency and autonomy.

Given the total financial value caused by cryptocurrency hack has reached 3.8 billion dollars as of 2022, it is inevitable to admit that various dApps built on blockchain are exposed to potential hacks including malicious attacks analysing and targeting weak spots of the code shared to the public.

How Pomerium is aiming to build more secure Web3 environment

Given various kinds of potential danger mentioned above, Pomerium is trying its best to protect users’ assets via its own safety methods below:

  1. Safe Pomerium Wallet

Users must generate Pomerium Wallet by directlgning up on Pomerium’s website — — in order to interact with Pomerium’s Web3 platform. Although generating a new wallet can be demanding, Pomerium wallets ensure the safest security from potential malicious scams/hacks.

Still haven’t signed up for Pomerium yet? Check out the link below and sign up! 👉

2. Powered by CERTIK

CertiK is a top-notch blockchain security firm that identifies weak spots in code and provides solutions via comprehensive auditing on smart contracts and other blockchain codes. Pomerium has proudly received a security score of 80 from CertiK, one of the top scores among all the Web3 gaming projects.

3. Pomerium Guardians

Guardians play the most important role within Pomerium’s ecosystem ensuring stability. Guardians continuously monitor data interaction between off-chain and on-chain to prevent any possible data forgery. As rewards for securing the Pomerium ecosystem, Guardians owners receive Pomerium’s governance token — $PMG.

Check out the link below for more details on the Guardians! 👉

Pomerium is ready for more challenges beyond the platform

Pomerium runs various safety devices for safe interactions and secures users’ data sovereignty on Web3. Moreover, additional to its own original content, Pomerium is preparing to expand its ecosystem via partnerships with Web2 or Web3 Game IP.

By establishing much safer and easier onboarding system with its own middleware Web3 SDK, Pomerium is aiming to broaden its influence to both Web2 and Web3 gaming industries.

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Pomerium is a Web3 gaming platform that also serves as a blockchain accelerator & incubator Website: