Pomerium Launches ‘Pomeverse’, a Gaming Metaverse with The Sandbox & Smobler

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2 min readJul 10, 2024

Pomerium, the web3 gaming platform, announced the launch of Pomeverse, a gaming metaverse built on its 3D PFP NFT “Pome Village” IP, through The Sandbox, the world’s largest open metaverse platform.

Pomerium entered into a three-way strategic partnership with The Sandbox and Smobler, a turnkey metaverse architect and authorized trusted partner of The Sandbox, to launch Pomeverse.

Pomerium provided the core IP and game expertise to create Pomeverse, The Sandbox provided the metaverse game platform, and Smobler provided creative storytelling and technical support.

Pomeverse begins with the story of Pome Village and the manager of the main portal connecting Pomeverse to the rest of the metaverse, who suddenly goes on vacation, leaving the player and the residents of Pome Village stuck in town.

Players will work with the cute villagers to activate the portal and experience the immersive metaverse world through a variety of quests, mini-game missions, and more

Hsu Ting, Pomerium’s Chief Marketing Officer, remarks, “Thanks to Smobler, we are able to welcome more Web3 users, including those from Pomerium, to enjoy a seamless, enjoyable virtual world.” She adds, “We look forward to co-creating an inclusive, socially impactful Pomeverse where everyone in the community can unleash their creativity and explore new possibilities.”

Loretta Chen, CEO and Co-Founder of Smobler, shares, “Working on Pomeverse has been a joy. Our goal at Smobler is to create games and experiences that are educational, socially impactful and sticky. With the adorable Pome characters, our community and players can not only have fun but also experience the warmth and charm of the Pomes. We hope that Pomeverse will inspire players to embrace kindness, teamwork, the spirit of adventure and inculcate a love for dogs and all in the animal kingdom!”

🐾 Pomerium

Pomerium is creating a user-friendly blockchain ecosystem through casual games, memes, and the recognizable Pome character. This approach offers a familiar, yet refreshingly cutting-edge digital experience.

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Pomerium is a Web3 gaming platform that also serves as a blockchain accelerator & incubator Website: https://pomerium.space