Introducing The Proof of Neutrality Network

Brandon Sanchez
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2023

In the evolving universe of decentralized finance and blockchain technology, there is a constant push for solutions that improve upon existing technologies, innovate, and increase decentralization in Ethereum.

Introducing the Proof of Neutrality (PoN) Network– an expanding suite of protocols, smart contracts, and softwares that are set to reshape the Ethereum landscape, starting with MEV supply chains.

Key Points

  • The PoN Network is a robust suite of protocols designed to extend Ethereum’s roadmap through credibly neutral infrastructure.
  • A composable and customizable validator software for MEV access is launching, called MEV+.
  • The PoN Network empowers users to become their own powerhouses– start your own relay, builder, or modify your validator software freely and build on your own terms.
  • Check out the recently released PoN Network website.

Diving Into The PoN Network

The PoN Network is a collection of protocols facilitating web3 adoption and financial inclusion, particularly within the Ethereum ecosystem. Serving as a neutral layer, it supports diverse, user-driven innovation allowing anybody to utilize its protocols and softwares independently, together, or entirely modified. PoN harnesses permissionless public blockchains for verifiable coordination, utilizing registry smart contracts developed by Blockswap Network for immutable commitment schemes that eliminate the need for third-party intermediaries.

Embracing the continuous evolution of web3, PoN creates user-friendly design, balancing the needs of core and long-tail users. Its mechanisms, designed for asset integrity, remove external interference, and provide decision making automation. All PoN protocols and software leverage verifiable on-chain information and deterministic cryptographic guarantees which foster an unbiased and efficient network.

The PoN Relay

The Proof of Neutrality Relay is a novel decentralized MEV relay that currently sits on Goerli testnet and features a fully on-chain Proposer Builder Separation (PBS) mechanism. In MEV, relays act as intermediaries, facilitating interactions between validators and block builders. The PoN Relay is special because it uses zero knowledge proofs, encrypted mempools, and encrypted blocks to ensure absolute confidentiality and protection in that nothing is shared with the relay, builders strategies are protected, and validators get their payouts.


MEV+ is a validator client software designed to enhance MEV supply chain coordination. It provides a platform for equitable transaction negotiation, addressing the lack of on-chain programmability and off-chain censorship. The flexibility of MEV+’s architecture enables granular management, while its neutral framework allows users to operate their own relay.

By using MEV+, users gain immediate access to the PoN feature set and can incorporate their own MEV logic, fostering innovation.

Build Like Never Before…

The PoN Network creates possibilities. Now, anyone can easily build their own relay, builder, validator, build on top of MEV+, and in general, freely modify their software to fit their needs.

This novel approach signals a significant shift in Ethereum’s infrastructure landscape. These advancements will not only further decentralized the Ethereum ecosystem, but empower users engaged in MEV to optimize their current set ups.


The PoN Network revolutionizes Ethereum’s infrastructure by introducing a high level of composability and democratizing MEV supply chains..

Whether you want to start your own relay or modify your validator software freely– the PoN Network enables it. With a bright future rich in tools and features, PoN Network isn’t merely adjusting the game; they’re creating an accessible, adaptable playground for everyone. Welcome to the new era of accessibility.

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DISCLAIMER: The text above is just a description of how PoN Network protocols work in theory. Any figures mentioned serve only as an illustration. Engaging in any blockchain activities with or without the necessary skills or experience can result in a loss of funds. This is a very experimental tool, so please treat it as such.

Before participating please read the disclaimer here.

