
John Clark
Ponder Today
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2015

(Originally posted on August 8, 2015)

Goals. The very word makes me go “meh”. I’ve never been a goals person, but I still technically have goals. I mean I’ve never liked the goals that sound like “I want to lose 10 pounds this year”, or “I want to run a 5k”, or “I want to learn to play the violin”. I like those concepts, but I never seem to be able to sustainably work towards them.

Now I know that sounds bad but let me explain. Instead of focusing on getting to the the “end goal”, I focus on doing the things the me at the end goal would do. I try to eat better (and slightly less) than I did yesterday and last week because that’s what a thinner me would do. I run three times a week because that’s what a fitter me would do. I play and practice the violin as often as I can, because that’s what the me that plays the violin well would do.

So it’s not that I don’t do goals per se, it’s that I don’t think in terms of steps that have to be accomplished to make it to an end goal. I think “what would the me that I want to be, in the place I want to be, be doing on a daily basis. How would I act? What habits would I have? Who would I be?”

I don’t know if I’ll always be like this, but it works for me where I’m at right now. Who knows? Maybe I’ll change. Maybe I’ll find something that I want to do that will force me to approach it traditionally. But until then, I’ll keep on trucking the way I’ve been trucking, and focus on being the person that does the things I want to do instead of sweating about steps and deadlines and stuff.

If your happy with where you’re at, keep going. If not, change something :) Ciao!

