One Way Street

John Clark
Ponder Today
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2015

(Originally posted on August 16, 2015)

So is life a one way street? My answer is yes, and it’s a good thing too. You can only go one way, forward, and never backward.

This sounds like a really negative thing to most people. But it is actually a good thing when you think a little deeper about it. Imagine if we could go back. We would go back, change something, and then go back again. We would do this over and over, and look backwards more and more. But when we are unable to go back and change anything, we realize that the only way we can make a change is to look forward. To do better tomorrow. To try again, and do something different this time.

And in writing this and discussing it with Lena, she pointed out that there are two ways of looking at a one-way road. In terms of time (which I mentioned above), and in terms of overall life direction. She pointed out that you can always change your direction at any time, and I completely agree with her. Looking at it in terms of life direction it seems that while you can’t really reverse your life direction and undo what is done, you can turn completely around and head the other direction, still on a one-way road.

And that seems to be the most important point. To realize that you can change. You can do better. You can repent, atone, and move on with life. You can make the decision to be the person you wanted to be yesterday, tomorrow. You have the ability to choose, and choose you must, for tomorrow will soon be yesterday, and someday there will be no more tomorrows.

Until tomorrow.

