Cracks of Time and Walnuts

Marcia Laycock
Published in
1 min readOct 18, 2021


The writing process — a poem

Cracks of time
to pry words
from air
from my heart
my soul

I need a tool
to break them free
like a nutcracker
breaks a walnut
reveals the chambers
the morsels, meat

I use a slim
digger to excavate
the goodness

Cracks of time
allow for foraging
gathering the bits
into my palm
a satisfying mix
set aside
for later
when time allows
for more
walnuts tossed
into a satisfying salad
of words


Thank you for taking the time to read. My name is Marcia Lee Laycock and I invite you to follow me if you’d like to read more of my work about finding your way home, into the arms of Jesus. 😊 Here on Medium you can find me at and and a few other publications along the way.

For more information about my writing and speaking ministry, check out my website —



Marcia Laycock

Finding the extraordinary in an ordinary life. Pastor’s wife (newly retired), mom to 3 girIs. Also have 12 books available on Amazon.