[Top] Awesome Android Libraries — April 2017 For Android Developer Library GitHub

Ponglang Petrung
Published in
20 min readApr 3, 2017


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ห่างหายไปเกือบช่วงหนึ่ง นะครับ ช่วงนี้ไม่ได้ update Library อะไรเลยนะครับ เออ แถมช่วงที่ผ่านมาก็มีงาน DroidconBKK ที่จัดขึ้นในประเทศไทยครั้งแรก ของประเทศ หรือ ในภูมิภาคนี้เลยก้ว่าได้ ว๊าวๆ และก็เป็นครั้งแรกที่ได้สัมผัสงานแบบนี้เป็นครั้งแรก ว่าDroidcon นั้นเขาจัดงานกันอย่างไร พวกที่เหล่า Speaker มากมาย ของ google ก็ถือว่าเป็นโอกาสดีๆ สำหรับนักพัฒนา App ของบ้านเรานะครับ ที่ได้ฟังเหล่า android developer ระดับโลก ที่ได้บรรยาย ในเรื่องต่างๆ มากมาย เอามาแชร์กัน โดยเจ้าของบทความก็ได้เหมือนกัน แต่ถ้าใครอยากจะอ่านบทเต็มๆ แนะนำ ให้อ่านบทความของท่านอื่นดูนะครับ เพราะผมได้รวมเอามาแล้ว

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หลังจากที่ได้ดูงาน Droidcon ไปพลางๆ ต่อไป เราก็มา update Library แบบ Geek กันหน่อยนะครับ แบบที่เราคุ้นเคย ที่ผมจะรวมมา จากบล็อกที่แล้ว ในหัวข้อ Android Developer Library GitHub update 02/60 อัพเดต Library กันครับ link : https://medium.com/@PongPloyAppDev/android-developer-library-github-update-02-60-f8ce92f5e4ca#.404azc5s0 ทำให้มีคนสนใจขึ้น แล้วทำให้รู้ว่า Android Dev รุ่นใหม่ๆ ได้เพื่มมากขึ้น สังเกตุจากการคลิกอ่าน


อันนี้คือ จำนวน Top 5 ของเดือนนะครับ

Top 5 Android Libraries — April 2017

  1. Androd ActivityStarter

[Top 5] Android Libraries — April 2017 [1]

Android Library that provide simpler way to start the Activities with multiple arguments.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to send some data between two activities? And better yet, in a situation where you had to ADD more parameters to an already long Activity starting method? Yeah, we feel you

:( Just to ease our pain, here’s ActivityStarter! Simply annotate which arguments you need to send, and you’re all setField and method binding for Android Activity arguments, which uses annotation processing to generate boilerplate code for you, and:

Eliminate all putExtra and getXXXExtra methods.
Allows you to forget about all keys that were used to pass agruments.
Support flags and Intent provide.

Doc: http://marcinmoskala.com/ActivityStarter/

Download: https://github.com/MarcinMoskala/ActivityStarter

2.Android BlockCanaryEx

[Top 5] Android Libraries — April 2017 [2]

make performance bottleneck detection easily when app blocked

As developers, our job is not only to make something work the way it’s supposed to, and to make it look nice, but also to make sure it is optimized. Heavy methods and UI blocking tasks often kill our users’ will to use our application, so we should strive to get rid of such issues.

Donwload: https://github.com/seiginonakama/BlockCanaryEx

3.Android SmileyRating

Top 5 Android Libraries — April 2017 [3]

SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon.

Drawn completely using android canvas
-Inspired by Bill Labus

Download: https://github.com/sujithkanna/SmileyRating

4. Android Bubble-Picker

Top 5 Android Libraries — April 2017 [4]

There’s nothing more to say about this, just look at the awesome bubbliness, a perfect fit for this spring weather and picnics.


5. Android StickySwitch

Top 5 Android Libraries — April 2017 [5]

⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation⭐️

What will stick with you is the awesome animation this library provides for even the simplest of things — switches. Another bad pun eh? We really do try, give us some credit. Anyway, StickySwitch will focus on a part of your app which you might have neglected in the past, and style it up a little bit.


Download: https://github.com/GwonHyeok/StickySwitch

cr: COBE Team

และส่วนต่อมาก็จะเป็นจำนวน Library ทั้งหมด ดูเอาเองนะครับ ว่าจะใช้อะไรดี

โดยมี Library ต่างๆ ให้สำหรับเหล่านักพัฒนา มีดังต่อไปนี้ครับ

1.Gravity View

GravityView is an Android adaptation of Facebook instant articles. The concept behind the library is to utilize the motion sensors of an Android device and allow the end user to explore the product by rotating his device. It uses gyroscope motion sensor readings to scroll the image.

You can read more about GravityView article here

Download: https://github.com/gofynd/gravity-view?utm_source=android-arsenal.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=5477

2.Phone tracker

Phone tracker is an Android library to gather environment signals, like cell towers, wifi access points and gps locations. You can configure how to scan. Also you can make hot configuring updates, and be notified when the configuration is updated, among other things.

Download: https://github.com/fooock/phone-tracker

3. Spruce-Android

Spruce is a lightweight animation library that helps choreograph the animations on the screen. With so many different animation libraries out there, developers need to make sure that each view is animating at the appropriate time. Spruce can help designers request complex multi-view animations and not have the developers cringe at the prototype.

Download: https://github.com/willowtreeapps/spruce-android


UI library that helps you to make a cute collection of collapsible/expandable pages.

This library contains a LayoutManager implementation with the help of which you can:

  • Draw your views in vertical and horizontal orientations
  • Make animated transition between vertical and horizontal mode
  • Draw your views in vertical orientation like a “previews” with cute scale effect
  • Scroll your views like a normal RecyclerView or like a ViewPager

You can scroll your views like a normal RecyclerView


(click to see the video)

Also you can control the maximum height of views. For instance, make it small:


(click to see the video)

You can find a working example in the “app” module

Download: https://github.com/forceLain/AwesomeLayoutManager?utm_source=android-arsenal.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=5474

5.Snappy RecyclerView

An extension to RecyclerView which will snap child Views to a specified anchor; START, CENTER or END.

XML Attributes

  • orientation — the orientation of the recyclerview, VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL
  • anchor — the snap anchor of the recyclerview, START, CENTER or END
  • scrollSpeed — the smooth scroll speed
  • flingThreshold — the threshold above which a fling is will occur

Download: https://github.com/Dan-TD/SnappyRecyclerView

6. InstaLikeView

A simple library to add like animation similar to instagram.

Download: https://github.com/Kshitij-Jain/InstaLikeView

7. AndroidVerify

Android library designed for rapid and customizable form validation.

You can use AndroidVerify with any View that extends the original EditText (such as MaterialEditText for example).

Download: https://github.com/pchmn/AndroidVerify

8. Styled-Map-Pager

Styled Map Pager is an awesome first of its type android library for showing a multiple location with different pins along with custom style on a google map with view pager.

It highlights selected location with unique marker pin. It give prominence to certain marker with needs to be highlighted which are selected by you. Also displays selected location in center of screen. Markers are changed with map zoom in and zoom out effects.

Main thing is that this all is binding with pager slider. With sliding of pager map locations are also moves.

Download: https://github.com/Bhoomika06/Styled-Map-Pager



This app is to developers make your calendar without difficulty.

I spend hours for to do this in a project and I’ve decided share with the Android community.

So, first we have our item_calendar, it is as the day label will appear inside the calendar view. You can see layout/item_calendar, our label, You can add anything and change conform your necessity.

The magic happens in the MonthAdapter, this use the and ti populate our RecyclerView and show for us.

Download: https://github.com/ifucolo/Custom-Calendar-View-Android

10. Android FilterView

Build a simple filter view with customizable controls.


  • SingleSection with SingleOption control.
  • SliderSection with SliderOption control.
  • TagSection with String tags.
  • ExtraSection with:
  • ExtraBoolean
  • ExtraCurrencyEditText
  • ExtraDate
  • ExtraHSM
  • ExtraList
  • ExtraEditText

Download: https://github.com/FranciscoJavierPRamos/Android-FilterView


11. Wifi Connector

An Android Library for allow devices searching and connecting to Wi-Fi networks.

Open source library for Android to connect to Wifi Networks


  • API > 16
  • Since Android 6, you are able to configure WifiNetworks that your app has created, you cannot edit wifi configurations from others apps.

Download: https://github.com/jflavio1/WifiConnector


Android fields validation library based on data binding adapters.


  • Minimum/Maximum length validation for text fields;
  • Validate inputs based on field type (email, credit card, URL, CPF and so on);
  • Pre-defined error messages translated into English, Portuguese and Spanish;
  • Custom error messages by field;
  • Supports TextInputLayout and EditText;



A simple scene manager for Android. CoffeeScene allows to switch the current scene of an Activity, ViewGroup and Fragment (v4 supported). This library can be usefull if you want to switch from a spinner loader to your main content or a placeholder for example.

Sample app

The sample app is available in this repository under sample/.
You can also try it on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geronimostudios.sample.coffeescene

Full code

Download: https://github.com/geronimoagency/CoffeeScene-Android

14 AdaptiveTableLayout

Pay your attention to our new library that makes it possible to read, edit and write CSV files. If you use Android-based device, you can easily use our library for implementation of all aforementioned actions. In addition, you will be able to change rows and columns, display the picture via link, and align the required data. It will surely help you cope with your tasks faster and make your output higher. AdaptiveTableLayout library is at your disposal.

Welcome the new CSV Library AdaptiveTableLayout for Android by Cleveroad

Pay your attention to our new library that makes it possible to read, edit and write CSV files. If you use Android-based device, you can easily use our library for implementation of all aforementioned actions. In addition, you will be able to change rows and columns, display the picture via link, and align the required data. It will surely help you cope with your tasks faster and make your output higher. AdaptiveTableLayout library is at your disposal.

Download: https://github.com/Cleveroad/AdaptiveTableLayout

15. DrawRouteMaps

If you want to add route maps feature in your apps you can use DrawRouteMaps to make you work more easier. This is lib will help you to draw route maps between two point LatLng.

Ex code

Download: https://github.com/ar-android/DrawRouteMaps

16. ViewPagerIndicator

A Simple View Pager Indicator with animations.


Download: https://github.com/vivchar/ViewPagerIndicator

17. PreferenceHolder

SharedPreference usage made fun in Kotlin

Kotlin Android Library, that makes preference usage simple and fun.

Download: https://github.com/MarcinMoskala/PreferenceHolder

18. Persian Calendar View

Persian calendar view for android.

Download: https://github.com/mirrajabi/persian-calendar-view

19 HorizontalPicker

Horizontal DatePicker with smooth selection by day.


DatePicker horizontal con selección smooth por día.


  • Selección de fecha con smooth swipe.
  • Selección de fecha clickando un dia.
  • Selección de fecha desde el objeto HorizontalPicker.
  • Vista de mes y año.
  • Botón Today para seleccionar el día actual de manera rapida.
  • Días de la semana y meses en el idioma por defecto.
  • Configuración de cantidad de dias a generar (Default 120).
  • Configuración de offset de dias a generar antes del dia actual (Default 7).


  • De momento, solo es posible generar una cantidad finita de dias y este numero se genera en el hilo principal, por lo cual es recomendable no usar un numero mayor a 500.
  • Este proyecto utiliza la libreria JodaTime para el manejo de las fechas.

Download : https://github.com/jhonnyx2012/HorizontalPicker

20 MakedEditText

MakedEditText is a simple Android EditText with customizable input mask support.

For instance, you need user specified his phone in format +7(XXX)XXX-XX-XX. You also know user should have the only possibility to write digits but minuses, brackets and “+7” should appear automatically.

This project derives from toshikurauchi/MaskedEditText, but it’s been adapted for gradle build system and has additional features:

  1. filter allowed chars
  2. filter denied chars
  3. user can use chars from mask in his input (in original version of this library user couldn’t use digit ‘7’ in the ‘+7(XXX)XXX-XX-XX’ pattern).
  4. You can keep hints even when user started typing.

So it allows you to use masks for phones, urls, etc.


Download: https://github.com/egslava/edittext-mask

21 AdbKeyMonkey

Fastest Adb Keyboard.

Tool for control android device via PC keyboard.

# Adb Key Monkey [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ckesc/AdbKeyMonkey.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ckesc/AdbKeyMonkey)

Fastest Adb Keyboard

Tool for control android device via PC keyboard


  • Java 7 runtime (JRE7) or higher
  • Sdk/platform-tools has to be in PATH env variable in order to find adb

How to run

  1. Download
  2. Run: java -jar adbKeyMonkey.jar

How it`s works

Speed of operation is achieved through the use of [MonkeyRunner API] (http://developer.android.com/tools/help/monkeyrunner_concepts.html)


Sometime, to do round textview or round view group is hard. Need to apply dynamic color? Nine patch is not answer? You are on the right place.

Available components

  1. RoundTextView
  2. RoundLayout
  3. BadgeView

Download: https://github.com/apg-mobile/android-round-textview


A simple timeout sensor that detects if there hasn’t been any user interaction for a specified amount of time. If the timer runs up without interaction, a dialog will popup giving them another 30 seconds to ‘stay logged in’ otherwise the app will kill itself.


instapk is an android studio plugin which will share apk to slack teams with a single button click! No more browse or drag n drop, be at your place!

How to use

25 Stepper Touch

Fun interactive Android count widget. Stepper Touch for Android is based on a Material Up showcase with a newly introduced SpringAnimator for animations.

Stepper Touch for Android based on a Material Up showcase designed by Oleg Frolov

In the latest version of the support library (25.3.0) a new class SpringAnimation was made available. I wanted to test this out and not long after that I found Stepper Touch, a concept made in FramerJS, on Material Up. I took this oppertunity to play with SpringAnimations.

Download: https://github.com/DanielMartinus/Stepper-Touch


A Download Button ProgressBar animation.

How to use

Download: https://github.com/ishaan1995/ButtonProgressBar


This is a library that can help you to receive results from startActivityForResult() as an Observable.

Download: https://github.com/nekocode/RxActivityResult

28. DiscreteScrollView

The library is a RecyclerView-based implementation of a scrollable list, where current item is centered and can be changed using swipes. It is similar to a ViewPager, but you can painlessly create layout, where views adjacent to the currently selected view are partially or fully visible on the screen.

The library uses a custom LayoutManager to adjust items’ positions on the screen and handle scroll, so view reordering operations use the full power of RecyclerView API and are extremely efficient.

Download: https://github.com/yarolegovich/DiscreteScrollView


An example project for creating machine learning model for MNIST to detect hand written digits.

About Android TensorFlow Machine Learning MNIST Example

  • This is an example project for creating machine learning model for MNIST to detect hand written digits.
  • Check this project for building tensorFlow for Android.

Read this article. It describes everything about creating custom model for Android using TensorFlow.

How to train model?

To create model by yourself, install TensorFlow and run python scripts like

$ python mnist.py

Find this project useful ? ❤️

  • Support it by clicking the ⭐️ button on the upper right of this page. ✌️


  • The classifier example has been taken from Google TensorFlow example.
  • The custom drawing view used in this project is taken from here.

Check out Mindorks awesome open source projects here

Download: https://github.com/MindorksOpenSource/AndroidTensorFlowMNISTExample


New way to implements ViewPager/Gallery in Android with RecycleView

A custom LayoutManager to build a Gallery or a ViewPager like RecyclerView that shows items in a center-locked and support both HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL scroll.And View Recycle Machine is also supported.


Jsonsurfer is dedicated in processing big and complicated json data with three major features.

Why JsonSurfer

Jsonsurfer is dedicated in processing big and complicated json data with three major features.

  • Streaming
  • No need to deserialize entire json into memory
  • JsonPath
  • Selectively extract json data by the power of JsonPath
  • Stoppable
  • JsonSurfer is built on stoppable SAX-like interface that allows the processor to stop itself if necessary.

download: https://github.com/jsurfer/JsonSurfer

32. Fragementer

Eliminates need to create a static function to initialize a fragment and bind the arguments.

Generates boilerplate code for initializing fragment using annotation processing and performs argument binding while following best practices for initializing a fragment.

  • Eliminates need to create a static function to initialize a fragment
  • Eliminates need to bind the arguments manually

Download: https://github.com/dilpreet96/fragmenter


Google Primer Intro Animation.

Download: https://github.com/mohak1712/Primer


WCViewPagerIndicators It is an android library that allows developers to have a viewpager with the attribute layoutheight = "wrapcontent", in addition to include in the bottom a page indicator (API 16 or higher)


Download: https://github.com/MorochoRochaDarwin/WCViewPagerIndicators


TabControllerAndroid by Appolica

This library provides an easy to use API for switching between fragments that share the same container. Implementing tabs, such as the ones Instagram has at the bottom of the layout, is a much simpler goal to achieve when using TabController.
Tabs can be switched by using either show/hide or attach/detach. You can even provide your own implementation of the way tabs are being shown.

The library is developed and maintained by Appolica.

36.VideoCompression Library

Awesome Library for VideoCompression Compressing 25Mb videofile to 1Mb

Download: https://github.com/RudreshJR/VideoCompression


Android Bottom Dialog library.

How to use

38.Facebook Reactions

Facebook-like “Like with Reaction” demo for Android

Just like Facebook’s app:

  • Press on like button
  • Keep your finger down, swipe left or right
  • Release your finger

Doc: https://medium.com/@Cuong.Le/facebook-reactions-demystified-ab1f04453a02

Download: https://github.com/dbof10/FBReaction


Fonty is Android library allowing you to easily change the typeface of your UI elements. Contrary to other implementations Fonty is designed with the assumption that if you want to change the font for your app, then you change it globally per whole application, to achieve consistency across your Fragments or Activities.

This means that using Fonty will require no change to your layout files. All you need to do is to initialize the library and specify what typeface you want to be used for regular text and what for boldfaced ones. That’s it.


  • Fast and lightweight
  • Simple API
  • Supports the following widgets:
  • TextView
  • EditText
  • Button
  • Handles navigation menu items too

How to use

Download: https://github.com/MarcinOrlowski/Fonty


A DialogFragment that implements the Full-screen dialog pattern defined in the Material Design guidelines.

How to use

Download: https://github.com/franmontiel/FullScreenDialog

Cerdit:https://android-arsenal.com ขอบคุณนะ

part 1 : Android Developer Library GitHub update 02/60 อัพเดต Library กันครับ link : https://medium.com/@PongPloyAppDev/android-developer-library-github-update-02-60-f8ce92f5e4ca#.404azc5s0

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Language learning application APP .


Practice writing, reading, Kai-ABC, this application. Designed to be easy to use, uncomplicated, with illustrations and sound for train children to read according to Thai-English consonants clearly.Practice writing all 44 Thai consonants from chicken to hawk and 26 English consonants since A-Z makes it easy to learn and remember.This application is suitable for Thai students. And foreigners studying Thai languageAnd in the future, may add more games to children

Thai :

ฝึกเขียน อ่าน ก ไก่-ABC แอพพลิเคชั่นนี้ ออกแบบมาให้ใช้งานง่าย ไม่ซับซ้อน โดยมีภาพประกอบพร้อมเสียงสำหรับฝึก ให้เด็กๆ ท่องตาม อ่านเสียงพยัญชนะ ไทย — อังกฤษ ได้ชัดเจน ฝึกเขียนพยัญชนะไทยทั้ง 44 ตัว ตั้งแต่ ก ไก่ จนถึง ฮ นกฮูก และ พยัญชนะภาษาอังกฤษทั้ง 26 ตัว ตั้งแต่ A-Z ทำให้ง่ายต่อการเรียนรู้และจดจำแอพพลิเคชั่นนี้เหมาะสำหรับเด็กนักเรียนไทย และชาวต่างชาติที่ศึกษาภาษาไทยและต่อไปในอนาคต อาจจะเพิ่ม เกม ให้เด็กมาสนใจมากขึ้น

Download : App link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pongploydev.education.mediaapp

